"Yes, sir, that is the most likely. But that is the least efficient way. Besides that, we don't know where they get the fuel from." Dr. Zirach said.

Trevat suddenly remembered the TV series on Earth, 'Stargate'. There, the concept of energy coming from zero-points in the form of a Zero Point Module (ZPM) was introduced.

"Maybe the original magic stone is a ZPM." Trevat thought.

"Is it possible if the energy source comes from Zero Point?" asked Trevat.

Both Dr. Zirach and Dr. Anen were stunned by Moff Trevat's question. They had not expected Moff Trevat to understand such an advanced concept. They also did not think that the original magic stone maker had used zero point energy.

"We haven't checked about that, sir. We did not take that into account." Dr. Zirach said.

"If it is true, that thing uses Zero Point Energy, then we can get a better power source from hypermatter or matter converters." Dr. Anen said

"If it uses Zero Point Energy, it will leave a trail of irregularities at the quantum level where the energy was taken." Trevat said.

Dr. Zirach, without saying anything, immediately rushed to the control room and ordered a scan through the satellites in the space that the planet, Trantor, had passed to find traces of the use of Zero Point. While Dr. Anen is speechless because Trevat knows things that are too advanced for a non-researcher or academic.




Half an hour later,
In the meeting room.

Dr. Anen and Moff Trevat talked about the possible use of magic and zero-point energy while waiting for Dr. Zirach's scan results. They identified several possibilities regarding that.
Moff Trevat recommended that research be conducted to enhance the capabilities of the proton warhead and plasma warhead by using magic. In addition, the use of magic shields should be improved. As for the zero point power plant, they still had to wait until the principle could be figured out.

Suddenly, Dr. Zirach entered the room along with two researchers who looked very senior.

"We have confirmed, moff Trevat. We found traces of Zero Point usage in the space around Trantor. This proves that the creator of the original magic stone and the creator of this artificial planet knew the technology to obtain energy from zero points." Dr. Zirach said.

The two senior researchers then briefed Dr. Anen and Moff Trevat on what they had found. Basically, it has been confirmed without a doubt that there is zero point usage on the planet Trantor. They were asking other planets that already had possible installations, including Elysia, to do the same scan to confirm.

"Now we have two important tasks. The first is to continue the research on magic and the original magic stone, and the second is Zero Point technology. I request that Research Facility E35T2 be enlarged to be able to conduct both studies." Trevat said

"Yes, sir." Dr. Anen said.

"I will also order more security forces in the form of ground troops and starships to guard Research Facility E35T2." Moff Trevat said.

They discussed this matter for a long time. The result of the discussion was:

- Research Facility E35T2 will be expanded at least five times to be able to complete two main tasks: mapping the original magic stone and magic, and secondly, Zero Point technology, as soon as possible.
- 5,000 dark troopers and 3,000 stormtroopers, along with equipment including AT series walkers and one prefab garrison, will be stationed at Research Facility E35T2 to secure the research facility. Two battlestars and 12 attack cruisers will also be stationed for security. A number of ground-to-space weapons will also be placed around New York City, along with a special theater shield for Research Facility E35T2.
- Research on the utilization of magic for military purposes will be moved to another research facility in Elysia. One of the things that is expected to be resolved soon is how to increase the efficiency of the proton warhead by increasing its yield while also reducing its volume.

After that, the meeting was closed. Moff Trevat stayed only one night at Trantor, in New York, before he returned to Elysia.

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