Espionage in action.

But he couldn't take a calm and relaxed approach.

"Master, his blood pressure is dropping again!"

"Give him epinephrine!"

The patient's condition was already at the limit.

He had to be fast and precise.

His heart was pounding, his hands were shaky, and he felt overwhelmed.

He felt overly nervous.

'Oh, shit.'

Then, as if to steady him, a series of messages popped up.

[The Heart of Steel is manifesting!]

[The Heart of Steel is manifesting!]

A skill that had always helped him in times of crisis.

A sense of resolve and determination enveloped his heart.

Raymond sighed heavily.

'I can do this, trust me.'

He was only a resident, but he had worked on so many patients.

Many he hadn't been able to cure because of his lack of skill, but far too many have been restored to happiness at his hands.

It was time to put his hard work to work.

Raymond moved his dwarven iron tool.

Jjiik, jjiik.

He heard the faint sound of tearing soft tissue.

The oozing blood obscured his vision, but he kept moving, wiping at it with a cloth.

Finally, a branching vein came into view,



The iron forceps gripped the vein firmly, cutting off the blood flow.

'Next, the artery.'

After cutting through the vein with the scalpel, he found the artery.

The artery was behind the vein.

Snip. Dab.

Once again, he was ripping through the lung membrane that surrounded the artery.


Blood poured out!

The iron tool had torn an artery!

'Oh no!'

It was a lot of blood, not even close.

He wiped it away with a cloth, but he couldn't see a thing.

"Master, his blood pressure is dropping again! Let's give him more fluids!"

Raymond gritted his teeth.

'I have to stop the bleeding somehow.'

There was no way.

He could only try to staunch the bleeding in an invisible space.

"Iron forceps."

"Yes, Master!"

Raymond took a deep breath and, relying on the sensation in his fingertips, slid the iron forceps precisely where the artery had been earlier, and with a snap, ligated it.

"The blood has stopped, Master."

Hanson said in surprise, and Raymond patted his chest.

'Ugh... This is going to take ten years. After all this trouble, I'm going to save him!'

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