He expected him to nod in approval, but he didn't do so easily.

"It's well-meaning, but it's unprecedented and needs to be reviewed. It could be seen as favoritism."

Raymond was stumped by the unexpected opposition.

Luckily, the gullible Galman stepped in.

"What's favoritism when it's for the good of the patient? And what's a little favoritism when it comes to Baron Penin after all he's done?"

'You couldn't be more right, Your Excellency!'

"If Your Majesty is unwilling, I will see to it that the establishment is authorized by my office as Lord Prime Minister."

Finally, King Odin nodded.

"On one condition."

"What is it?"

"That you participate as a healer in the victory ceremony in a few days."

Raymond looked puzzled.

'A victory ceremony? What is that?'

He'd never heard the word before. Galman, on the other hand, was surprised.

"Your Majesty, are you serious?"

"Yes. Since he's so eager to make a mark for the Kingdom of Houston, I'm sure he'll be able to pull off a victory ceremony."

Galman beamed.

"Congratulations, sir. What an honor to be entrusted with such a task!"

Raymond looked puzzled.

"What is the victory ritual?"

"Slaying a demon."

"... Pardon?"

Prime Minister Galman explained excitedly.

"To be precise, it involves entering the Gir Mountains and slitting the throat of the 'Shabel Tiger' the symbol of the Drotton Kingdom."


Raymond's face went white.

'How am I, a healer, supposed to catch something like that? You want me to die?'

At that moment, Galman waved a hand as if to say, "Don't get me wrong."

"Of course, His Majesty will capture the Shabel Tiger himself, along with the Royal Knights. It is a royal rite of passage."

"And me?"

"You will be assisting His Majesty as a healer."

Galman beamed with satisfaction.

"That is the highest honor a healer can receive, and I congratulate you. For the opportunity to serve His Majesty."

To serve King Odin exclusively, an honor only available to Count Helien, the court physician!

It was certainly the highest honor, but Raymond stiffened.

'I'm supposed to serve His Majesty?'

His eyes caught King Odin's impassive face, and every time he saw it, he couldn't help but think of the countless suffering he had endured as a bastardized child.

Raymond bowed his head, suppressing his emotions.

"I am most grateful for the honor of serving Your Majesty..."

King Odin looked at Raymond for a moment.

A flicker of unidentifiable emotion flashed across his hard face.

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