Bonus Chapter: Jasper x Suave

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*Warning! Lemonzzzzzz*

The last couple of weeks had been awkward for Jasper. He had begrudgingly accepted that Encre wasn't going to leave anytime soon, but avoided him as much as he could. It wasn't really his business anyway. His father could do as he pleased.

Jasper had bigger problems.

Suave had been avoiding him, too. He'd been making excuses, asking for more work on top of his already monumental chore list, and overall giving Jasper the impression that he was intentionally sidestepping any interaction with him at all.

And Jasper was furious! He'd never been this neglected by his personal servant! Not even when he and Suave had shared their first kiss....

'What was I thinking?!' the prince thought to himself furiously. 'Suave probably hates me.'

Pacing in his private quarters, the prince recalled how that night had gone. He'd awoken alone, which felt unnatural after he'd practically forced Suave to lay in bed with him. Perhaps that is why Suave is being so distant. Perhaps he was afraid of Jasper's sudden affection for him.

'Perhaps it's time I get serious with my courtship of him,' Jasper thought, grinning. He turned into a bat and flew into the night, determined to win Suave over.


Suave bowed to Encre as he entered the artist's new studio. Fallacy had commissioned for one of the brightest rooms in the house to be made into an art studio. Encre was delighted, eagerly helping move furniture, adjust paintings, pulling drapes from windows, and cleaning throughout. His skill in art and aesthetic impressed Suave, despite his previous resentment of the artist. He hadn't liked Encre at first for nearly beheading his employer. Soon, though, he found he shared a lot in common with Encre. He was also curious about the outside world, which Encre had spent years of his life exploring.

"And this is my rendition of a famous art museum in France," Encre stated proudly, puffing out his chest when Fallacy chuckled.

"You must have spent a lot of time there," Fallacy replied, casting an approving glance over the painting. Encre put a hand behind his head.

"Heh, yeah. I picked up the language pretty easily." His eyelights wandered anywhere except Fallacy, finally landing on Suave. "Oh! Hey, Suave."

Suave strode further into the room, placing the box of paintbrushes and small canvases on a chair. "Here are the supplies you requested, milord."

Encre paused, looking up from the box of supplies. "You can call me Encre, Suave. I never liked when servants of the nobles I met called me some fancy nickname."

Suave nodded. "Very well, er... Encre."

Encre winked, then returned to his supplies. Suave stood at attention, his mind beginning to wander. All his life, he was taught and expected to treat anyone who wasn't another servant with respect befitting of a nobleman, no matter what they looked like to him. Sure, Encre had been put into a servant position at one point, but now, he was Lord Fallacy's soulmate. How was he not to treat him like he was above him?!

'As long as it doesn't get me in trouble with Lord Fallacy,' he thought, 'I can see no alternative.'

Fallacy dismissed him after a few minutes, and Suave went off to take care of some other duties. While he did them, he scanned the halls for any sign of Jasper. He felt bad for avoiding the prince, but he didn't know what to do. Jasper had shown Suave that he was indeed infatuated with him, but how long would that last? How long would it be before the prince got bored of him, cast him aside, and move on to the next object of his affection?

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