Chapter 16

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Ink sighed. Error's gestures cheered him, and he wiped away any stubborn tears. But now, he had to think. If chocolate is bad, then what could Error eat? The bag of dog food was still in the kitchen somewhere, but Ink was willing to bet it tasted just as bad as those treats. How can people feed their pets such nasty stuff?

Ink shook his head. No. Error is not a pet. And he deserved better than what Ink had been offering him. He decided to remain positive though, and stood up. Error's good ear perked up and he whined.

"Don't worry, Error," Ink said with a smile. "I need to go get something, but I'll be back as soon as I can. Ok?"

Error's eyes had widened, and he attempted to stand up. Ink knelt down and carefully pushed Error back.
"I'm sorry, Error. You have to stay here. I swear I'll be back, and I won't let anyone hurt you. I know I've been... foolish about who I trust recently, but I know now that I have to be careful. Can you trust me?"

Error put his paw out, and Ink held it, rubbing his thumb over it. Error took a shaky breath, closing his eyes, and nodded. Ink grinned happily, and stroked Error's cheek.

"O-ok. I-I'll be back, so don't go anywhere. I'm not the best at hide and seek, y'know. Heh..."

With that, Ink stood up and made a portal. He looked back at Error, who had opened his eyes and stared pleadingly at him. Ink was reluctant to leave Error on his own, but he was determined to find out everything he could about animals, quite specifically dogs. He was not about to make another possibly life-threatening mistake thanks to his ignorance. He gave Error a reassuring smile, then leaped through the portal.

Meanwhile, with Dream....

Dream knocked on the door of the skelebros' house in UnderSwap. He hadn't seen Blueberry since that meeting, and a lot has happened since then. He hoped to have a nice, long chat with the short skeleton so he could understand the situation a bit better. His soul sank when it was Stretch who opened the door. His expression made Dream more worried.

"Hello, Stretch. Where's Blueberry?"

The tall skeleton twitched anxiously.
"I-I thought he was with y-you."

Now Dream was very worried. Blueberry wasn't the type to disappear without a word. Except... he did leave word. Dream frantically searched his pockets, but they turned up empty.

"Where is that note?" Dream muttered under his breath. Stretch noticed, and his expression turned confused.

"What note?"

Dream looked up, his eyesockets wide in panic.
"Blueberry left me a note, and I must've lost it. I don't- wait." A thought struck him as he turned away. "He said something about Killer being in DreamTale. He must have been taken to Nightmare's castle!"

Stretch narrowed his eyesockets.
"You let my brother... be captured???!!!"

Dream looked back at the taller skeleton.
"Wha-?! No! I just- I got surprised. A-and I don't think Blueberry was captured. I... I-I think he went... willingly."

"Ok, that's going too far, Dream. It's been hard enough trying to convince Sans that Error isn't his friend, but a cruel, heartless monster, and now you're telling me he's defected to Nightmare's side?! How could you? I used to think you were his friend. Now I'll have to tell him you branded him a traitor. I'm going to go find him."

Before Dream could protest, Stretch teleported away. The positive guardian rubbed his arm guiltily. He didn't brand Blueberry a traitor! If Stretch would just listen-!

Dream jolted. But that is exactly what Error and Blueberry had been saying. Dream and all the other Judges had been too stubborn to really and truly listen to what Blueberry had to say about the destroyer. He took a deep breath. No more will Dream be blind and deaf to Error's suffering. No longer will he be ignorant of Blueberry's pleas to reevaluate Error's life, he would be sure of it! But now, he faced the obstacle of finding the short, loveable skeleton.

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