Chapter 9

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The giant mansion built in Dreamtale was bustling with activity. Judges from every walk of life were gathered, minus the "darker AUs," to discuss the state of the multiverse at large in the relative safety of an original AU. Ink arrived just in time to witness two Sanses, one from DanceTale and one from UnderRust, were arguing who had the better shoes.

Weird conversation, but ok.

Ink walked over to the table and set Error down on it. He petted the small dog, looking around absently as the rest of the Judges milled about, chatted, or grabbed snacks and drinks.
"Well, Cinnamon. Here we are. The meeting place of the Star Sanses! And all the other Judges, of course."

Error looked around, taking in as much detail as he could. This place... He hasn't been to Dreamtale in centuries, not since he deemed it unnecessary to destroy. Guess things have changed, haven't they? He sat more comfortably on the table, and scratched behind his ear. He hoped he looked like a normal dog, despite knowing very little about how they act. He has seen them, sure, but he's never interacted with them other than to kill them and their owners so he could destroy the AU. So far, no one has gotten suspicious.

Another portal appeared, and out stepped Blueberry, Sci, Stretch, and Dream. Error took in a sharp breath at seeing Stretch. Oh, if he figures out Error is here....

Ink beamed when he caught sight of Dream and Blueberry.
"Hey guys! Howzit going?"

Blueberry bounded over with a smile, Sci following close behind with the platter of tacos.

Ink giggled and tugged Blueberry's hand toward the table.
"I wanna show you something, Blueberry! Look what me and Dream found!"

They reached the table Error was on, and Blueberry gasped. His eyelights turned to huge, blue stars, and he held his cheeks in his hands, marvelling at the adorable sight before him. On the table was a tiny, fluffy dog. Its fur was black with tan markings, and it wore a black cloth harness and a cute, blue collar. On the tag was the name, Cinnamon.

Blueberry cried, immediately picking Error up. As close as he was to Blueberry, Error was still terrified of being picked up. For one thing, he could be dropped and injured badly enough that he couldn't run, and that left him vulnerable to attack. For another, while Blueberry would never intentionally harm him if he knew it was him, the rest of the people in the building would not hesitate to try and kill him. And with this new body, they could very well succeed.

Blueberry petted the dog in his arms and turned to Ink. The creator jumped up and down like a kid in his excitement to show off his new pet. No, get your heads out of the gutter. Not that kind of pet.

"Isn't he precious?!"
Ink squealed, earning a whimper from Error as he was taken from Blueberry's arms. Dream walked up to them, sighing.

"Yes, but why did you bring him here?"

"O-oh," Ink turned to him sheepishly.
"He seemed to be lonely, and I-I didn't want him to be waiting for me, cuz these meetings get kinda long, and he was a good boy and ate some food and drank some water, so I thought this could be like a reward."

Dream's eyelights lit up, and he looked down at Error.
"Aw, that's a good boy!"
He stroked Error's head, smiling.
"At least you ate something. I knew a few people back in the village who had dogs, and one of them was a rescue. She wasn't as small as you, but she needed special care because of the condition they found her in. She needed special food for awhile, and her owners needed to watch her and made sure she went to the bathroom ok. Which reminds me."

Dream looked up at Ink.
"Did you walk him before bringing him here, Ink?"

Ink sweated and shook his head slowly. Dream facepalmed.
"Ok, did you at least give him time to rest before bringing him here?"

A Tiny ErrorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang