Chapter 3

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Ink landed in the Doodlesphere, and started pacing. That's the fifth AU this week! And Ink hadn't even made any new ones! Ugh, it was so frustrating. How many AUs must Error destroy before he is satisfied? From what Ink could tell, Error had no specific goal other than to ruin as many AUs as he can, as well as driving Ink nuts. Oh, he must be so proud of himself for successfully escaping just as the tables turned against him! But, that smile....

Ink stopped. What was with that smile that unsettled him? It was... sort of sad. Regretful. Not really as insane as he expected. He wanted to believe it was just his imagination, but well....

A portal opened a few feet away, revealing his best friend and colleague, Dream. The positive guardian had been busy with his brother, so he couldn't aid Ink in dealing with Error. Fortunately, he had been able to retreat, but the AU had been devastated. Ink will probably get around to it later.

"Ink? What's wrong?" The guardian asked.

"Error. What else?"

Dream winced. Of course. How could he be so stupid?
"Right, right. Which one did he... destroy today?"


"Oh," Dream's expression lightened a bit.
"That's not so bad. That AU isn't a very positive one, anyway."

"That isn't the point, Dream," Ink scowled. "Error is killing people. No matter the universe, killing people is still wrong, and he shouldn't be allowed to do it!"

"Why did you make them negative then?"

"It wasn't on purpose. I just... couldn't resist creating it. I don't always know how it will turn out, but once they start going a certain way, I know what to name them."

"Is that how you ended up with Underfell and others like it?"


Ink started pacing again. How long will he have before Error started destroying again? Maybe they could capture him. There has to be a way to stop him for good. Ink thought more. If they captured him, could they convince him to stop? He started to rehearse what he'd say to the destroyer in his head.

'Error, you need to stop. Destroying does no one any good.'

'Error, this is wrong. Why can't you see that?'

'Error, does this make you feel better? I'm sure we could find something more productive for you to do!'


"Ink, what are you doing?" Dream interrupted Ink's mental play. The artist turned to Dream.

"I've got an idea."

Meanwhile, in ScienceTale....

Sci hummed as he wrote down a few notes on his clipboard. He poked his chin with the pen, then turned to the three potions on his desk.


When were there three?

Eh, whatever. The other ones were his experiments for getting Fresh off Error's tailbone, anyway.

One, a silvery, almost opal white, was a special healing potion he'd been working on for Error. The glitchy skeleton usually came to Sci's house injured beyond what he deemed safe. Of course, Error has informed him this is normal, and he will eventually go back to fully functioning order. Sci hated violence, and seeing Error like this really rattled his bones.


Sci found out that Error does not eat, at all, after the destroyer had declined to grab a bite to eat at Grillby's. Sci was horrified at this information, knowing this shouldn't be possible for Error to be alive, right now. A monster going without food for centuries, maybe longer, should've been a death sentence. Little did Sci know, Reaper wouldn't go near Error if he could help it. The reason being, he didn't want associate with a mass murderer, despite the fact he has to reap the souls Error kills. Ink would probably condemn him as well if he were to try to get to know the glitchy skeleton. Not that he wanted to, anyway.

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