Chapter 8

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Error lay in the kennel silently. The house was quiet, like the Anti-Void, but every once in awhile, a creak could be heard from one direction. He sat there, feeling alone as he did in the Anti-Void so many years ago. What would happen to him now? Was he to remain a dog forever? If so, the multiverse is doomed. He knew that Ink will continue to create, and the multiverse would get so crowded, it would eventually collapse in on itself. And Ink? He would forever blame Error for the destruction because he assumes nothing he does can ever create this much carnage. Typical.

Error jolted as a portal opened in front of the couch. Out walked Ink, and Error watched as he knelt down in front of the kennel.

"Hey, Cinnamon. Thoughtcha might need some company! I know it must be hard to be alone. I should know; I hate being alone. It's.... scary."
Ink crossed his legs and opened the kennel door. Error remained where he was, fearful Ink would try to, like, attack him, or something. Ink's expression turned sad.
"It's ok, boy. You're ok."

He put his hand in the kennel and stroked Error's ears. 'Great,' Error thought. 'This is just great! I have no idea how to handle this situation, and Ink has no idea it's me! What will happen if he finds out?!'

"C'mon, Cinnamon," Ink said as he carefully picked Error up. "You must eat something. If you don't, you could die!"

Error rolled his eyes at that. He's never needed to eat before, so this should be no different. Ink, however, would not take no for an answer. He carried the pup to the dog bowls he set out and put Error down in front of them. Error looked down at the bowls, then back up at Ink.

"Here, Cinnamon. Have some food. It's delicious, you should try some!"
Ink patted the bowl, trying to coax Error into eating it. Seeing no other choice since Ink was stubborn, Error carefully approached the bowl. He sniffed it, hoping to detect any poison so he could avoid eating it. Smelling nothing, he took one kibble and chewed it.

'Hmm, not as bad as I thought...'

He ate some more, until there was nothing left. Ink beamed and clapped his hands in excitement. Finally! Cinnamon was eating! Now, to get him to drink some water.

"Here, Cinnamon," he said, pointing to the water bowl.
"Try some water. It's good, too!"

Error went over to the water bowl, and sniffed it cautiously. Is he serious?! How does he even get any of it in his mouth?! He looked up at Ink, but nearly bolted away at the excited look Ink gave him. He looked like a child getting a long-coveted Christmas gift before Christmas. Error started breathing heavily in a panic, his ears and tail turning down, and whimpered in fear.

Ink grew worried. Cinnamon looked like he couldn't get enough air, and his tail was between his legs. His ears were swept down on his head, and he was shaking. Ink reached a hand out to the dog, but Cinnamon immediately ran.
"W-wait! Cinnamon, come back!"

He stood up and walked over to the other side of the kitchen island. Cinnamon had huddled into a corner beneath the cupboards, still shaking in what seemed like a panic. Ink cautiously walked up to him, kneeling in front of the frightened dog with his hands raised in surrender.

"It's ok, little guy. I-I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. Why don't we go and get some water?"
Ink held his hand out for Cinnamon to sniff, just in case he seemed dangerous to the tiny dog. Error just laid there in the corner, scared that Ink would try to hurt him.

'Ugh, this is stupid,' Error thought.
'I may as well get this over with if Ink's gonna be this persistent. Heh, he always was so stubborn."

Ink grinned as Cinnamon stood up and made his way over to him. Ink carefully scooped him up and brought him over to the water bowl, sitting down and placing the dog in front of the bowls again. Error went up to the bowl and stopped. Hmm, how to do this? He didn't exactly have any experience with eating or drinking, though he has seen others do it. First, he tried sipping it up, but ended up choking on it. Ink almost freaked out, attempting to pick Error up. But, the small dog jumped away from him, going back to trying to drink some water. Next, he tried licking some water up, and that seemed to work. At least he didn't choke on it, this time.

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