Chapter 25

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With Error....

Error stretched as he woke up. The sun was shining through the latticed window above the door, and for a moment, he forgot where he was. Soft snoring made him look up and sigh in relief, for Ink's lookalike was sleeping peacefully on the sofa next to him. He cuddled up closer to the artist, mentally reminding himself this wasn't Ink. It was hard, but he knew he couldn't get too attached. He wouldn't be staying here long, after all.

After a few more minutes, Encre woke up. He yawned and stretched, quickly getting to his feet. He stretched his arms a bit more, then walked into the kitchen. He went through the cupboards as he had last night, and sighed in frustration.

"Oh yeah," he muttered. "Now I remember what I was gonna do, this morning...."

He went back into the living room and picked up his backpack. He rummaged through the pockets, finally finding a small pouch full of coins. He stuffed it into his pocket, then stood up. He petted Error, who had watched him stand up, then patted his leg to coax Error into following him.

"Alright, little one. It's time we go and find some decent food."

With that, Encre opened the door and walked out. Error trotted behind him, and the two made their way through the village. The sun was shining, birds were singing, a slight breeze was blowing, and the smell of freshly baked bread filled the air. Encre took a deep breath, revelling in the familiar comforts of home. It had been a few years now since he'd been in Underville, and he'd missed it, dearly. But now, he wanted to settle down and stay here. Maybe meet a nice, young lady. Marry her. Have some kids. Become a respectable gentleman with a respectable job and a respectable family-


His thoughts were interrupted when he bumped into someone. He looked before him to find he'd bumped into a guard. And not just any guard.


"Azure!" Encre lit up excitedly, taking his friends hand and shaking it. "It's good to see you, Azure!"


"Oh, ya know, pretty boring. Saw some pretty neat sights, though. I plan to sketch out a beautiful lake scene I stumbled upon one day, but I have to go to the marketplace for food. I'll see you later, ok?"


Encre waved at Azure, and continued on his way. Error stared back at Azure, deciding he'd found the equivalent of Blueberry, already. Loud, rambunctious, excitable, a guard. Yep, definitely Blueberry. He followed Encre to the marketplace, where several stalls were set up. A few people were selling fruits and vegetables, probably the last of this year's harvest, but what really caught the pair's eyes was the stall full of venison and fish. The monster running the stall grinned as Encre walked up to him.

"Well, howdy there, friend! What can I do ya for?"

Encre looked at the different cuts of meat, and pointed to a medium chunk.
"How much for this?"

"Oh, that'll be twenty gold. Bit expensive, but it sure was a hassle tryin' to take down the big fella. Y'know them vampires're everywhere, and they be hustlin' fer anything they can sink them fangs inta. I had ta be extra carefully not ta let this here deer bleed 'n case them creatures came a'runnin'."

"Oh, that's quite alright," Encre replied, counting out his gold. "I'd be happy with whatever you can give me, right now."

He paid for the chunk of meat, and the guy wrapped it up for him. He soon noticed Error sitting next to Encre's leg, patiently waiting for him.

A Tiny ErrorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ