Not a Chapter - Vote

530 16 53

Hey, guys! So, I have a question. Would you like to see a crossover in this book? I have a few candidates already, and I could take suggestions, but I thought I'd ask you guys if a crossover is a fun idea.

Thing is, I've had this idea for awhile, and played around with different scenarios for the different crossovers I could do. That being said, I hadn't settled on which one I would do, so I'd appreciate your input. After all, I think it's a really neat concept that an author would give their readers a chance to change the story, if only by a small margin.

So, do you want a crossover? It's not necessary to the story, and I could do without it, but I'll give you guys a choice, anyway.



If you would like to suggest a crossover, please put it here.

I'll leave this vote thing up for at least a week so everybody that wants to can give their opinion. And with that, cya!

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