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"PLEASE SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE" Anna Shouted while looking everywhere.


"Are you that much in a hurry to listen about your mom" Mr.Kim said while taking sip of water."What are you hiding from me" Anna said in a anger. "First answer my question. Who is Ryan to you and why are you two always together?" Mr.Kim asked. Anna scoffed. "Why you care" Anna said. "I care because you are not giving me any option to let you go " Mr.Kim said. Anna looked at him in confusion. "Do you ever think why he was there in his whole childhood. Why his sister and you're mom died" Mr.Kim said while smirking.

Anna looked at him in shock and said. "Don't tell me that you were the reason behind them". Mr.Kim laughed and looked at her with a scary gaze. "Now you know the truth that means your time is over. If someone got to know this secret then they are not going see the next morning future" Mr.Kim said. Anna throwed water on him and banged her fist on the table. "How shameless you are. You killed your own wife and snatched a sister from her brother. Right now, I am really feeling very disgusting to stand in front of you" Anna said and went outside with teary eyes. Mr.Kim looked at her disappearing figure and took out the gun and started following her.

"You're not going to live now" said and shoot the gun. Mr.Kim looked very shocked after seeing whom he shot. He ran away from there as soon as possible.


Anna was outside the operation theatre waiting for Dr. to come out. Lily and Kai came there and comforted Anna, who was crying in mess and blaming herself for what happened. "It all happened because of me. All this shit happened because of me. I should have been there not Ryan" Anna said while crying in Lily's embrace. "No it's not like that. It's not your fault,Anna. Don't cry. please. Be strong for Ryan." Lily said while controlling her tears.

After a few hours of waiting Dr. Came out of the operation theatre. Anna ran towards the Dr. "How is he Dr. Is he okay?" Anna asked while crying and shivering alot. "Miss, first of all you have to calm down otherwise your health may get effected" Dr. Said. "Yeah, Anna he is right. Please calm down" Kai said. "So is he okay now Dr." Lily asked while holding Anna. "He is out of danger but we can't say when he will woke up. The bullet was very close to his heart so it's impossible to tell whether he will survive or not because his heart is very weak now. I hope you can understand what I mean" Dr. Said and went away from there.

Anna sat down in a chair in a shocked. She pulled her hair aggressively. "It can't be" Anna said and looked at Lily. "You know today is my worst day of my life" Anna said while one tear left from her eyes. "Don't say like that" Lily said while bending down her level. Anna smiled sadly and asked "Am I that bad that everyone leaves me. First my mom and now Ryan". Lily hugged her. "No you're not bad. Anna don't think like that. You're very strong" Lily said while crying. Anna hugged her back and started crying her heart out.

Lucas came in a hospital with few officer. He saw Anna crying. "This is the first time I saw her crying like this...............She really loves him a lot" Lucas said and went infront of her. Anna stopped crying and looked up. "Why you're here" Anna asked in a low tone and stood up but fall down. Luckily Lucas caught her. "Did you eat something" Lucas asked. Anna nodded as no. "I don't have appetite" Anna said while losing his hands grip from her waist. Lucas got hurt by her action. "I am the incharge of Ryan's case" Lucas said.

Anna removed her phone and gave it to Lucas. "I found out wiho killed Sarah and my mom" Anna said and went inside Ryan's room.

Anna sat infront of Ryan. Ryan was wrapped in lots of wire that makes Anna feeling very guilty. Anna hold his hand and caressed it softly. "Ryan....... Please wake up. You can't leave me alone. I know you want to see your sister a lot but.......... please don't leave me" Anna said while one tear left her eyes.

She immediately wiped it off after hearing a knock on the door. Lucas came inside and stood next to her. "I don't think that he is alone in this" Lucas said while giving her phone back. "I know. He will not do things which look risky. He is having mental instability. He can't distinguish between wrong or right ones" Anna said. "Let's make a plan and gather a lot of proof" Lucas said.Lucas put his hand on her shoulder and said "Don't loose hope. He is going to be okay. Don't push yourself very hard.......... Go easy on you". Anna nodded. "Then call me when he woke up. I will come to ask questions to him" Lucas said and went from there

It's been a hour, Anna was just sitting there and staring Ryan. The whole environment was dead silence. The only voice that was coming was of the machines. Kai and Lily came inside the room. Lily put a carry bag infront of Anna and said "Go get changed. If Ryan woke up then he will be sad to see you in this state". Anna took the bag and look at herself. She was fully covered in Ryan's blood. "I don't want to leave him alone" Anna said. "But to stay next to him you should take rest too, Anna. Now come and get fresh" Lily said while pulling Anna with her towards washroom.

Anna changed her dress. Anna started washing her face. Anna splashed water on face and looked in the mirror. "You know who was behind all this" Anna asked in anger it was like that she can kill anyone who will come in her way. Lily nodded as no. "Who is it? You know him/her?" Lily asked. Anna nodded.

Anna looked in the mirror aggressively and said. "The one who killed my mother and the one who killed Ryan's sister and the one who tried to kill me but Ryan got the bullet, they all are one person only and that person is................... MR.KIM"

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