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"Oh my son, how are you" Mrs. Oberoi said.

Ryan looked at them expressionless. They came in front of them."You became so matured" Mrs.Oberoi said.She was going to touch his face but Ryan step behind."Who are you Miss?" Anna asked. "We are his parents" Mr.Oberoi said."Oh nice to meet you I am......." Ryan interrupted Anna and ask them expressionlessly "why are you here". "Because we miss you alot" Mrs.Oberoi said.Ryan scoffed and said"What do you need from me.I know everything that you always used me and my sister as your tools nothing else" Ryan said in weak voice.

Anna was watching everything. She felt bad for him.She tried to stop the conversation by saying "Well Mr.And Mrs.Oberoi,as you can see that the meeting time is over.It's there sleeping time so I request you to come tomorrow" Anna said with smile."Just wait a second and what's with your language huh.You know to whom you're talking" Mrs. Oberoi said.Anna started getting angry but she tried to stay calm."I am talking to my patients parents,nothing else.So excuse us.Let's go Mr. Ryan" Anna said and started to walk but stopped by Mr. Oberoi and he said "we will not take your time.Just spare us few minutes".

Anna nodded as no."well sir,you have follow our hospital's rule and regulations" Anna said."What is this behaviour huh is this the way you talk with elders.Your mother didn't taught you manners" Mrs.Oberoi said.Anna got triggered by this sentence."No.she didn't. She told me not to give respect to someone like you....... Guards take them out" Anna said and took Ryan from there.

"Are you okay, Anna" Ryan said.Anna nodded."Good night.Have a good sleep today" Anna said.Ryan hugged her.Anna felt safe in his arms.After few minutes they broke their hug." Feeling better" Ryan said.Anna nodded."Have a nice dream then" Ryan said.Anna nodded and went away.Ryan sigh."I hope she is fine" Ryan said and got ready to sleep.

"Your mother didn't taught you manners huh" This sentence was continuously repeating on Anna's mind.Anna sat on the ground and crawled into a ball. Thinking about the scene that just happened.She fall asleep on cold floor.

"Did you saw Anna today" Kai said."No,I think she is late today" Lily said while reading some patients file."I am worried" Kai said."Why your feeling this kind of feelings" Lily said looking at him."Don't know but we should go and check on Anna" Kai said."You're just overreacting kai" Lily said."Then let's check on her" Kai said.Lily sigh and said "okay let's go".Kai and lily came inside her office and saw Anna lying on the floor.

"Anna, are you okay" Lily said Worriedly. Kai ran to her and took her on his arm and put her on sofa."Bring water lily" Kai said.Lily nodded.Kai sprinkle water on Anna.she got her conscious."Are you okay Anna" Lily said."Who told you all to disturb my precious sleep" Anna said. They both sigh." We were worried about you" Kai said."You made us scared Anna" Lily said."I make you both worried,how?" Anna asked in confusion.

"What were you doing on the floor" Lily said.Anna recalled everything that happened yesterday,she sigh."I just want to sleep on floor.Because I sleep good whenever I sleep on floor" Anna said and trying to make them believe."Really" Kai said.Anna nodded."Get ready fast.We are having meeting with Ryan's parents" Lily said."I am not coming" Anna said."You have to.It's compulsory" Kai said. Anna sigh and nodded.

"It's so strange" Anna said while coming outside from her office."Why they came now,why not before.Well I can tell that they want something from him" Anna said.She saw Ryan standing in front of her."Good morning Anna.You're late today" Ryan said with a smile.Anna smile and said."Good morning. Yes I think I overslept today" Anna laugh.

"Anna, let's go" Lily said while coming outside from her office."Coming.Bye see you afterwards" Anna said and went but got stop when he said "Don't take my parents word in your heart".Anna looked at him and nodded."I will not" Anna said and went.

"How many years you will required to make my son better,huh" Mrs. Oberoi said."He is fine" Anna said while coming inside."What,then why behaved like a psycho when he was 12 years" Mrs. Oberoi."It's such a small age to saw the terrible things.Obviously he was scared not psycho" Anna said."What do you mean" Mr. Oberoi said.

"What she is trying to say" Lily said to kai like a whisper."I don't know,just believe her" kai whisper back.Lily sigh and nodded."I am just telling you the truth Mr.And Mrs.Oberoi" Anna said." What are you saying just speak properly first" Mrs.Oberoi said.

"It's been an hour their meeting is going on" Ryan said Worriedly."She also didn't eat anything from morning" Ryan said. Ryan was roaming from here and there while worried about Anna.

"How can he forget about his lovely sister" Anna said."First of all,We don't have daughter" Mrs.Oberoi said."I didn't told that she was his biological sister. Mrs.Oberoi got nervous."We didn't have any relatives" Mr.Oberoi said."Don't lie, we all already know about your bad deeds" Anna said while looking at Mrs. Oberoi.Anna was observing her every movement."There's a story where a small child saw his sister's death in front of him and he can't do anything.He was just sitting and crying in his cupboard" Anna said while looking at Mrs.Oberoi. Mrs.Oberoi gulped nervously.

"And that child was non other then Mr. Ryan Oberoi" Anna said "Are you mad or what" Mr.Oberoi said angrily."No I am not" Anna said while smiling."Then what is this shit" Mr.Oberoi said.

"All this shit is about your biological daughter,Sarah Oberoi" Anna said.Mr. And Mrs.Oberoi got shocked.

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