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"What are you doing Mr Ryan" Anna Said in shuttering tone.

"I told you to stay away from me,but you refuse it so face the consequences" Said by Ryan.Anna gulped very hard.Her heartbeat got very fast.He was coming near her face.He came in front of her face and said."why are you so scared miss" said by Ryan with a smirk.

"I am not scared and by the way my name is Anna,Lee Anna"."Nice name Anna" said by Ryan.They both were staring each other for few minutes.Anna got her senses back,she pushed him and went out of the room by saying "time is up, see you tomorrow"."Cute" Ryan was smiling for the first time.Anna was panting while coming from the Ryan's room.

"Are you okay Anna" Kai said."Is he try to kill you" Lily said."No.just..... He is just a very difficult person to understand" Anna said."We told you already" Kai said. "I can't read him,but I know that he don't like it here.He is heart broken" Anna said."How did you know" Lily said.

"His eyes are saying me that" Anna said. "You're awesome Anna" Lily said.Anna got a call,she saw that caller Id but she ignored that call,again that call came. "Pick it up,might be it's urgent" Kai said. "No it's not, see you both at lunch. Bye" Anna said and left that place.

"Something is wrong" Lily said."We should not interfere in others life,Lily" Kai said."I am not interfering.Let's go" Lily said.

"Why he came so close" Anna said.Anna was thinking about how Ryan was close to her.She blushed while thinking this. "Did you solve the case Miss Lee Anna" Mr.Peter said.Anna got scared by sudden burst of him."Mr.Peter you scared me.I just got a little hint to solve this case" Anna said."I think you take this case seriously" Mr.Peter said."Yes sir" Anna said."Well then see you soon with happy news" Mr.Peter said while going outside.


"Lily do you know Ryan's favorite things to do?" Anna said while eating lunch."He loves to do painting,his parents every year gives us a material related to painting to give him" Kai said."Really,he loves painting" Anna said."Well he also love to to roam outside" Lily said."How did you know?" Anna said."Well everytime we try to talk with him he didn't talk with us but when we talk about going outside from this hospital he feel excited" Lily said."Thank you so much,see you guys tomorrow" Anna said.

"He loves drawing....... Loves to go outside.......... Want to get out of here............ But can't........ His parents bring material of painting for him ......... Wait his parents...I should talk with his parents" Anna said."You can't do that" Kai said."Why?" Anna said."They gave us warning not to come there to trouble them" Lily said."It's strange......I think I found an idea" Anna said. "You're very smart" Kai said.


Anna take a deep breath and knocked on door and went inside the room. "Hello again Mr.Ryan" Anna said."Why you came here again" Ryan said."Well I came here to talk with my friend" Anna said. "Cut that crap" Ryan said.Anna sigh."I love to do painting,but I am bad at it,will you help me?" Anna said with hope in her eyes."But why me?" Ryan said."I got to know that you're expert at painting. Please help me na" Anna said with pleading eyes."Okay" Ryan said with sigh.

"Yes,but you have to come outside from this room" Anna said."I am not" Ryan said."Please do it for me,you're my friend right" Anna said."When I becomed your friend,and I am not going out of this room" Ryan said.Anna was bearing her anger and trying not to burst at him. "Okay what do you want,so that you can come out from this room" Anna said. "You" Ryan said. Anna was shocked. "You get lost from here" Ryan said. Anna beared to much now.

"You know what,I am just trying to help you but you're behaving like a small child.You know because of you I am not getting any sleep just to free you from here then to you're here with your stubbornness.Stop with this behavior and tomorrow you're going to come outside.....That's it for today MR.RYAN OBEROI" Anna said angrily and left."She is unbelievable" Ryan was surprised to see her worried about him.

"Why did I take this case it gives me headache" Anna said."Are you okay Anna" Lily said."Yeah I am fine, thank you" Anna said."I told you not to take this case" Kai said."It's not like that.He is afraid to come outside but want to come" Anna said."What do you mean" Lily said. "I mean,I think the problem is his parents,if they are not,then why they said not to contact them" Anna said. "Woah you are incredible Anna" Kai said.

"Anna tomorrow is the big day for you so be prepare" Anna said.She got call "Why he is not letting me getting peace in my life" She picked up that call "What happened now? .......... I am not having time for that........ Bye and don't call me unless it is very important" She cut the call.


"Hello Anna,you're looking happy today" Kai said."Yes,because he is going to come outside from that room" Anna said. "REALLY......I mean are you serious" lily said."I think so,that he will come" Anna said."All the best" Kai and lily said.

"Excuse me,Mrs. Lee Anna is working here" Mr.Lee said."Yes she is" receptionist said."Thank you but where is she now" Mr. Lee Said.

"Mr.Ryan,are you ready" Anna said."Can I say no" Ryan said."No you can't" Anna said and took his hand and assured him that it will be okay."Let's go" Anna said.

"How are you feeling Mr.Ryan" Anna said.No answer "Let's go I am very excited to do painting with you" Anna said but no response.Anna saw him. He was black out.she looked in front of her and wanted to say something but stop and got shocked to see that person.

"How is my daughter doing" Mr.Lee Said. "MR. LEE" Anna said.

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