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Ryan hugged her tightly with full precaution.Anna started to cry on his shoulder."I will be always there for you so let it all out" Ryan said to Anna.

After few minutes Anna calm down.They both broke their hug.Ryan look at Anna and kissed on her forehead.Anna melt by this action."Thanks,Ryan" Anna said and smile."It's my duty" Ryan said.Anna looked at the sky."This day will be my second most precious moments in my life" Anna said. "Why second" Ryan asked as he also look at the sky."Because my first precious moments is with my mother" Anna said with a smile on her face."You know,I can replace second place with something" Ryan said and looked at her.

Anna looked at him with confused look. "And what is that thing" Anna said.Ryan and Anna look at each other's eyes for few minutes."The thing is this" Ryan said and came closer to her without breaking the eye contact.Ryan cupped her face with his hand.Anna closed her eyes.Ryan leaned forward to kiss on her both cheeks and looked at her face.Anna looked at him and felt embarrassed. "Yeah" Anna said while going back.Ryan pulled her towards him and hugged her passionately.Anna also responses.After few minutes they broke the hug and looked at each other. It was an awkward silence.Ryan look at front to remove awkwardness."We should get going.It's late" Anna said while getting up.Ryan stood up."Yeah let's go" Ryan said.

The whole ride was silence.No one tried to break the silence.Anna stop the car in front of hospital's gate."we are here" Anna said."Thanks for the ride" Ryan said and went out."Goodnight" Anna said.Ryan nodded.Anna went from there to park her car.Ryan was watching the disappearing car.Ryan smile."Cute" Ryan said and went inside.

Anna turned off the car and took a deep breath.Anna blushed."That was the first time I felt like this" Anna said while pinching her cheeks. Anna came out from her car and went inside her office."What should I do now" Anna said while laying on sofa.Anna look at the ceiling for sometimes and got up. "It's not working.I should complete my work" Anna said and sat on chair while opening the file."I am very excited to say to him that he is soon going to be out from this place" Anna said in excitement. Anna opened the drawer to put the file but saw one pendrive.She took that pendrive and her looks change into serious."I promised Ryan,that I will give justice to his sister and I have to fulfill this no matter what" Anna said."You're done Mr.and Mrs.Oberoi.No one is going to save you now" Anna said and put that pendrive inside that drawer.

Ryan looking at ceiling."What she is doing right now.Is she sleeping" Ryan said and got up."It's not working.Why can't I stop thinking about her.I have to distract my mind.What should I do" Ryan said while searching here and there. "Found it" Ryan said and took one book. "Let's finish this book" Ryan said and started reading the book.

Kai and Lily came inside Anna's office and saw her sleeping on her table."Anna" Lily said as she pat her hand.Anna woke and saw them."Oh you both came too early today" Anna said while rubbing her eyes."We are not early,you're the one who is late" Lily said.Anna looked at the watch and sigh."I am not ready for today" Anna said while getting up."Is this true,Anna" Lily said."What" Anna asked. "That you solve the case of Ryan" Kai said.Anna nodded.Lily hugged her. "Congratulations,You're amazing" Lily said."Thanks,but for now,leave me because I can't breathe" Anna said.Lily released the hug and smiled awkwardly. "come fast,we are waiting for you at receptionist counter.Anna nodded.

Ryan woke up by rays of sunlight which directly landed on his face.Ryan got up and stretch his body."Why this morning came so early" Ryan said in a sleepy tone. Ryan looked at the window for few minute.He got up and close the curtain and went to sleep."please let me take a quick nap" Ryan said and fell asleep.

"What's your schedule today,Anna" Kai asked."I am busy today,why you're asking" Anna asked while taking the file from the counter."Nothing,I will say it afterwards" Kai said in slow tune and went away from there.Anna looked at him and then at lily."What happened to him" Anna asked."Don't know,I think double date" Lily said and went away from there.Anna looked at her disappearing figure."Why they are confusing me today" Anna said while putting the file and went away from there.

Anna entered in Ryan's room just to see him sleeping."cute" Anna mumbled.Anna came near him and sat on his bed.Anna got lost in his beauty.Anna's hand went on his cheek."Why you're so handsome, Ryan" Anna said in a slow tone.Anna came close to his face.Ryan opened his eyes.They both locked their eyes with each other's."I don't know why I am handsome,but I am very happy to hear that compliment" Ryan said and kissed her forehead. Anna got froze on her spot."Down to earth,Anna" Ryan said with a smile on his face.Anna got up."Get ready I am waiting outside.Don't be late.Come fast" Anna said and went away from there. "cute" Ryan said and went to get fresh.

"Where are we going" Ryan asked.Anna looked at him and smile."To celebrate your freedom" Anna said with big smile on her face.Ryan looked at her in confused."What do you mean" Ryan asked."I will tell you later.Just follow me" Anna said and grab his hand and started walking outside the hospital.

"Why are we here" Ryan said while coming out from the car.Anna came out and hold his hand."To take admission" Anna said while looking at him with full love in her eyes."Are you going study more" Ryan asked.Anna nodded as no. "Then whom is going to study here,Your friend" Ryan asked.Anna nodded as no.

"You're going to study here" Anna said."WHAT,why me" Ryan asked in shocked tone."Because,I want you to shine just like me" Anna said."I can't" Ryan said as he loosen the grip of his hand from her.Anna cupped his face and said."You will study because you're free from today" Anna said.Ryan got confused.

"I said that you're normal,You are free from that hospital.You're free to roam here and there" Anna said.Ryan looked at her with tears in his eyes.Anna hugged him.

"You were never psycho.You're just a normal person like me and I proved this to them" Anna said.Ryan broke the hug and looked at her eyes.

"Thank you" Ryan said."No,i don't want your thanks,i want you to accomplish your dream" Anna said."I love you" Ryan said. Anna smiled and  kissed his forehead.

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