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"Father, don't hurt my mom" Little Anna said, but her father didn't listen to her. He started to beat her mother with more force. "Father leave her, please" Little Anna said.

"Go to your room Anna" Her mother said in weak voice"."No I will not go" little Anna said.Her father got angry on her. "How dare you to raise your voice" Her father said.He started to go near little Anna."Don't go near her" Her mother said in weak tone but he didn't listen,he took Anna's hand and pushed her behind,but Anna fall on the corner of the table."ANNA,NO" her mother shouted.


"Let's all welcome miss Anna,in our hospital.Everyone she is new here so help her" Mr.Peter said."Hello,everyone I am Lee Anna,Nice to meet you all.I hope we will get along with each other" Anna said.

"Hello,I am lily and he is kai" Lily said. "Nice to meet you both" Anna Said."can I ask you something" Lily said."Yes you can" Anna said."Well I was just curious that,why you came here,there are lots of famous hospital but why here" Lily said.

"Because I hate my home" Anna said. "The rumors are true that you're straight forward,but why you hate home" Lily said."I feel suffocated there" Anna said. "Did something happen between you and your family" Lily said."Shall we focus on work Now,no personal question" Anna said."I am sorry but last question,is it true that you are Pyscatrist and physiologist both" Lily said."Yes, it is true.Now let's get to work" Anna said. "Yes,you want a tour right" Lily said. "Let's go we will show you everything" Kai said."Okay,thank you" Anna said..

After taking tour of hospital,Anna,Lily and Kai were sitting in Anna's office and reading files of patient."Here patients are very different from what I treat,it's going to be interesting" Anna said."Our main motive is to recover our patients as soon as possible" Lily said."Yes,and for that we have to work together" Kai said."Sounds good,I would love to work with you all" Anna said.

Anna was watching every file but her eyes got stucked on one file. That file name was "RYAN OBEROI" Anna said.
"He is the only patient,whose case is not solved" Lily said."He is here for about 18 years" Kai said.Anna was shocked "It's been 18 years and he is still here" Anna said."Nobody has understand his problem till now and he also don't talk with us" Lily said."Any other useful information of him" Anna said."Don't take this case,you will lose yourself in this" Kai said."Why?This case is interesting for me" Anna said."Don't put load on your head you can't solve this case,we also try it but we failed and got lost in this case" Kai said.

"It is impossible Anna to solve this case" Lily said."I am very famous to do impossible work possible.You know that There's a sentence in impossible that I'm possible" Anna said."Just think about it carefully Anna,for solving this case you will need a stable mind" Kai said."I will talk to Mr.Peter about this and don't worry I can complete this case as soon as possible.Bye guys" Anna said and went at Mr.Peter's office by flipping her hair behind."I think we should trust her lily" Kai said."Yes,if she need help then we will try to help her" Lily said.

"Thank you so much Mr.Peter,I will try my best to slove this case."Anna said. "Well I am also interested to see if this case is going to solve it or not" Mr.Peter said."I will solve this case,I promise" Anna said."Okay then good luck" Mr. Peter said.

"Want to come Anna" Lily said."Where? " Anna said."Dinner,we are going out for dinner and drink" Kai said."Join us Anna we will treat you.It's welcome party" Lily said."Okay then,I am in. How about BBQ, and then ice cream" Anna said."Yes, someone is like me.Let's go" Lily said Excitedly


"Good morning Anna" Said by kai. "Good morning" Said by Anna."Want some help" Said by Lily."Thank you,but if it requires I will definitely ask you both" Anna said by smiling."Okay then" Said by kai."Good luck" Said by Lily. "Let's go Anna,you can't solve this case by sitting here.Let's meet him" Said by Anna.

Anna is standing in front of his door. "Let's do it Anna,you can do it".When she was going to open the door she got a call. "Who's calling me at my working hour" when she saw that caller id she turn her phone off."Give me some freedom now, Mr.Lee"

Anna put smile on her face and went inside."Hello,Mr.Ryan Oberoi" Said by Anna. But he didn't reply,she again try to make him talk."Well,nice to meet you,I am Anna" Said by Anna.No response. She again tried."Mr.Ryan.from now onwards I am your personal dr. And a friend also. Nice to meet you" Anna said and put her hand in front of him but nothing happened.Anna sigh and sat beside him.

"Go away,don't show me your sympathy" Ryan said.Anna was shocked"I am not showing you my sympathy,I just want to know you,nothing else" Anna said. "Don't........, don't know me and don't come near me.You will be unhappy" Said by Ryan.

"It's my choice and I will do it at all cost" Said by Anna."You don't want to ruin your life right so stay away from me" Said by Ryan."Why?" Said by Anna. "I said"."I refuse it" said by Anna.Ryan got angry because of her stubborn behavior. He got up angrily."Yeah,what happened?" Said by Anna.He didn't said anything and started coming near Anna.She started getting backwards,but he didn't stopped. Anna got stopped because of the door. Ryan came near her and trapped her in his arm.Anna was now between him and door.

"What are you doing Mr.Ryan" said by Anna in a shuttering tone.

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