Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Awaken...let the destruction begin!

I pulled away a little, causing Usagi to look up at me, concerned. "Is something wrong?" Usagi asked softly. I gave her a gentle smile.

"Nothing." I assured. "Come on, let's head off." Usagi and I chatted idly as we headed into the city. When we got to our crossroads, I kissed Usagi quickly, wishing her well at school before turning and heading toward my school.

 When we got to our crossroads, I kissed Usagi quickly, wishing her well at school before turning and heading toward my school

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That afternoon, I had to stay back a little to finish up some work. I headed towards the arcade, but before I could get there, I accidentally knocked shoulders with a girl wearing a green and maroon uniform. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologised, kneeling to pick up the fallen mirror from her purse.

"Your eyes." The teal-haired girl said, picking up the mirror. "Their colour has a certain air of grace." She looked up. "You may have been a Princess in a past life."

"...Saying that to someone you don't know is a bit odd." I commented as the two of us stood.

"This mirror, it reflects one's previous lives." A blonde man then exited the arcade and stepped up next to the girl. "Apologies forget what I just said." The girl said. "I didn't mean anything by it." She then started to walk off. "Have a good day." I turned, watching the two go. Usagi then appeared, and we watched them leave together. Everyone soon filed out of the arcade, Ami, Rei, Mako and Minko all exited, with Naru, one of Usagi's other friends. Mako and Minako seemed to have their heads in the clouds as they walked.

"I'm in love..." Minako trailed off.

"Yeah, I haven't crushed on anyone this hard in a while" Mako added.

"Hey, that cool guy, I think he was someone famous." Naru said. "I know I've seen his face before. You may have just met a celebrity!"

"I've seen that uniform." Ami admitted. "Oh, that's right, it's the one from Mugen Academy."

"Mugen Academy!" Minako exclaimed.

"Mugen Academy?" Usagi questioned.

"What, you've never heard of it?" Naru asked.

"The Tokyo Bay Land Reclamation Project recently developed large tracts for commercial use." Another one of Usagi's...maybe friends, Umino, said as he popped up. "The biggest is Sankakasu, home to the Mugen District and it's new private school."

"Umino, where did you come from!?" Usagi demanded.

"Soon after the academy opened, it's prestige went through the roof!" Minako explained excitedly. "Tons of famous actors and musicians study there. They have Olympic athletes too! It's like a whole school full of the best and the brightest!"

"Wow, Minako, you're well informed." Ami commented.

"I heard they have a massive concert hall their students get to use. So there are some really big super-hot teen sensations that perform there all the time! You could meet celebrities just by going to school! I'd transfer tomorrow if I could..."

"You're so star-struck..." Mako droned.

"'A school for the best and brightest?'" Rei repeated. "In other words, a school Usagi couldn't get into in a million years."

"Sush Rei." Ami hissed. "That's true but don't say it!"

"And there's the death blow..." Usagi breathed. "Thanks Ami."

"Don't worry about getting into an elite school like that." I said to Usagi, setting my hand on her shoulder. "Just run your own race, ok?" Usagi looked up at me and nodded.

"Ok." She said. We came across a newsstand, where Naru grabbed a magazine to show us.

"Look there he is!" Naru showed us a photo of the boy, Haruka Tenoh, who was a famous racer. "I knew I'd seen him somewhere, I just couldn't remember. His name is Haruka Tenoh. He's Japan's newest racing prodigy!"

"Cool. So he's an actual racecar driver? wonder he was so good."

"Do you think he hangs around the Juban Shopping District?" Minako squealed.

"Maybe we can see him again." Mako added.

"Hey, look, they go to Mugen Academy too." Naru pointed out, watching some girls walk by.

"I'm super jealous." Mako commented. "Their uniforms are so cute!

"Yeah!" Minako added. As we watched them, something seemed to land in one of the girls' back, and a roar was heard as a large purple creature grew from the Mugen girl. It was large and purple, with glowing red eyes.

"I'll make sure everyone is safe." I said to the girls. "Usako, be careful." Usagi looked back at me with a wink.

"Don't worry, I will." She assured. I gave her a smile and started to direct everyone away from the attack, leaving the safety of the city in Sailor Moon's capable hands.

Once the creature was dealt with, I joined the others down in the Command Centre, where Luna, Artemis, Malachite and Topaz had brought up as much information about the creature as possible

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Once the creature was dealt with, I joined the others down in the Command Centre, where Luna, Artemis, Malachite and Topaz had brought up as much information about the creature as possible. "Look at those features..." Luna said softly.

"That's definitely an Atavism." Topaz agreed.

"Are you positive?" Artemis wondered.

"Everyone watched the news this morning, right?" Malachite asked, turning to us. "The story about the students being attacked by some kind of monster was the top story, you couldn't have missed it."

"Weren't the students in that story from Mugen Academy too?" Artemis said. Luna and Topaz nodded.

"Mugen Academy...and de-evolution..." Ami trailed off.

"Smells fishy if you ask me." Rei stated.

"Then we agree, we'll investigate Mugen Academy as soon as possible." Minako said. Everyone let out nods.

"Let's go to Mugen Academy." Usagi stated.

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