Chapter 14 - Full checkup

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Chapter 14 

Full checkup

"Good morning, Tianyu," Lin Meili greeted as if nothing happened and took a seat opposite him.

Song Tianyu's looks were Lin Meili's type. Tall, handsome and rich, who would not want such a man? Although she had signed the contract that they were only married in name and they would not share a bed, she could still show off to the world that such a great man was 'hers'.

She would lose her wealth, fame and envy from others if she left the Song family!

Today's breakfast was on the lighter side, which was not catered to Lin Meili's heavier taste in food. Usually, the chef would cook two separate meals for the masters, so Lin Meili had no complaints when served her favourite food.

It looks like Song Tianyu no longer wants to tolerate her!

"It's rare that you are not off to work at this hour," Lin Meili tested the water.

"I will accompany you to the hospital."

It was unusual that Song Tianyu would ask for a leave and accompany her for anything that did not involve him. Not only because he was a workaholic, but it was also because Song Tianyu hardly paid attention to his second wife in name. Not even her birthday was celebrated before.

"Is it because of my head injury? It does not hurt much and certainly does not deserve Mr Song's concern even to skip his work. How will your employees be able to work well without you?"

Lin Meili may be saying the right words as a thoughtful wife, but her gloomy aura always made her words come out sounding insincere.

Song Tianyu had already lost the tiny spark of interest she managed to get him to feel last night. This woman before him was the same Lin Meili he knew, with calculations applied to her every action and word.

So she was planning to divorce him, but for what?

Did she not want to be a famous actress, choosing to be ignorant of her horrid acting? Not only that, she only accepted one movie after her marriage, and shops most of the time with his credit card with a 'hard to reach' limit. He wanted to play a husband who let his wife do what she wanted, and she was willing to play the role.

What happened last night that made her act as if she was a completely different person?


"Jiajia, we only want to check your body. We won't allow anyone to hurt you or take you away."

In the end, Lin Jiayi's nickname became 'Jiajia', instead of something completely different from her name. Lin Jiayi was also her name, and removing the right to be called by her name was rather cruel of them.

"I know, grandma." Lin Jiayi understands that they want to know how their granddaughter died. It was also something she wanted to know so she naturally had no objection to it.

Grandma Lin finally opened her mouth during mid-journey when Lin Jiayi never asked where they were going. Facing the calm acceptance of her granddaughter, she tried her best to explain why they would want to do so, which Lin Jiayi also calmly accepted.

Grandma Lin suddenly does not know what to do towards this obedient child who was not secretly hiding her dissatisfaction like her own daughter always did. In the past, she had frequently praised the next-door little girl as being the best-behaved child in front of her children and granddaughter to make them more motivated.

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