Chapter 7 - Birth of your soulmate

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A/N: Well, I have some thoughts about our protagonist Lin Jiayi could be quite 'uninteresting' if her character is just like this... so I added some twist. Hence the edits in the early chapters *coughs* sorry!

***'Dark thoughts'***

***Normal thoughts***

Chapter 7 

Birth of your soulmate

The special guest who caused a small argument in the yard was inside a simple but comfortable room.

"Did you know what caused it?" A young tender man who was slowly developing a mature appearance asked the equally tender-looking young monk facing opposite him.

"The only reason that could change your lonely and violent fate so suddenly could only be the birth of your soulmate."

"Birth?" The young man does not look happy at all. "My future wife will be nineteen years younger than me! What kind of messy thing is that? I'm not a pedophile or a groomer!"

Different from the stereotypical monk's behaviour, the young monk clicked his tongue. "Why are you so negative? No wonder the creases between your forehead are getting deeper when you are just nineteen. Just look at how smooth my face is when I choose to let go of negativity and embrace positivity."

"You want a thirty-six-year-old man to marry an eighteen-year-old girl? How the bloody shit is that positive?"

"As long as both of you do not meet until she's an adult, there's no problem! Nowadays, there are even wider age gap couples and they are doing well. Really, stop worrying. There are so many people in this vast world. How could it be so easy to meet your fated person?"

"What if we really meet then? Isn't a fated person mean easy to meet up?" Zhang Muchen eyed the monk with eyes that could stab people if they could. He really hated the feeling of being matched up without his choice.

The playful look on the monk's face disappeared. "Amitabha, may your restraint be strong and unyielding."

The originally clean room quickly became messy when the two young men scrambled around, one chasing and one running.

"Okay, stop!" The monk raised his hands in surrender. He had forgotten how many times his knee had knocked onto the wooden chair and table as they ran in a circle. "I'm serious this time! If you two really meet before the legal age, it's fate and the will of God."

"So God wants me to prey on a little girl? I don't have such a hobby!"

"Then let me calculate when it will be. You can try to hide in your house during the period if your will is not up to the task."

"You want to be beaten?" Zhang Muchen raised his fist threateningly.

"Quiet. I'm concentrating." The young monk removed his mala beads from his neck and moved his fingers over them.

Zhang Muchen graciously forgave his friend once and waited, eating the peanuts served on the table. By the time he finished the entire plate of peanuts, the young monk was still moving his fingers over the beads, but the speed was twice faster than before.

Zhang Muchen stared at his childhood friend's face that was currently donned on his 'thousand years' cultivation of tranquillity' mask. Compared to the first time Zhang Muchen's fate was calculated by the monk five years ago, the monk had learned to relay bad news with a peaceful face.

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