Chapter 6 - Badmouth the deity's humble abode

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***'Dark thoughts'***

***Normal thoughts***

Chapter 6 

Badmouth the deity's humble abode

"How could I be happy?" Grandma Lin was forced to hold in her complaints until they got into their car and she immediately started her tirade as the car continued their journey. The elderly could not eat much, and Lin Jiayi was trained to have a small appetite even if she could finally taste authentic dim sum.

It was delicious. No wonder her aunt could not forget it.

This world's Lin Jiayi was taller with more meat on her body. With such a healthy body that has a normal appetite and still growing, her stomach was not full yet. But she kept feeling like she was being stared at by people, which got to her nerves. She could barely taste the dim sum after the initial taste.

"She got married without telling us! How could she marry without holding a ceremony and not having her parents there as witnesses? We have never met her husband, much less a picture for us to see! So what if he's rich and giving us money? It's useless to have a rich son-in-law when he does not even respect his in-laws!"

Lin Jiayi was still engrossed in listening, her mind half distracted in comparing this version of her aunt to her own when their car stopped. They had to walk for the rest of the journey.

Unsurprisingly, there were quite a number of visitors to this infamous temple that often grabbed headlines in newspapers thanks to the satisfied visitors' stories. With a large number of tourists, there were some locals who used this chance to gain money by offering services such as selling bottled water and snacks, carrying their luggage, or even providing piggyback service.

"...Grandma, why don't we pay someone to carry you up?" The walk upwards was uneven despite the temple having built a stone pathway.

Although it was a very different environment than the place that caused her grandmother to have an accident, it was still better to be safe than sorry. Spending money on this would be worth it!

But Grandma Lin refused.

The next best thing was to hold onto her grandmother's arm and keep an eye to avoid any slippery path. Lin Jiayi's worry about her grandmother meeting an accident had unknowingly increased Grandma Lin's affection for her.

She was getting a little reluctant to let the monk take a look at this obedient granddaughter. It was better to have a loveable and obedient granddaughter than one that always angered you!

But as a grandmother, she must give her own granddaughter a chance. This was the love every grandmother would have for their grandchild, no matter how rotten they turned out to be.

To Lin Jiayi's relief, her grandparents were able to make it to the temple without incident. But there were undoubtedly some complaints from the outsiders about how they were not allowed to use transport to come up here.

It was strange that reality was different from hearsay.

There were always words from the villagers that the people who came to visit Caihong temple were always polite and respectful. After all, it was not wise to badmouth the deity's humble abode if you wanted to ask for a blessing. But to actually come here and witness how outsiders actually behave truly floored her.

So why did her villagers claim the opposite?

'Because they are easily fooled?'

Grandma Lin was taken aback when she looked at Lin Jiayi properly after catching her breath. "Jiayi, take off your jacket. You are sweating so much!"

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