Chapter 12 - We won't replace anyone dear in our hearts

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***'Dark thoughts'***

***Normal thoughts***

Chapter 12 

We won't replace anyone dear in our hearts

Only Lin Jiayi's strong self-discipline was able to drag her out of bed the next morning when the rooster started crowing. Washing her face helped her mind to be a little more awake, but her body still felt tired.

After bumping into a few pieces of furniture that were in the opposite position from her memory, her body had more or less flung off the exhaustion and started its engine for the day.

Lin Jiayi touched her still stylish curl on the ends of her shoulder-length hair. When she was much younger, she was desperate to earn her father's love. It was to the extent that she began nitpicking her own looks that she inherited more from her father.

If she looked more like her mother, her father might be happy to see her. Her mother was beautiful, with long-haired curls that dazzled many people. Her aunt once told her that her father, who does not stand out among the suitors, had the dumb luck of getting the beauty's heart.

If this world's father was still alive, would this world's Lin Jiayi be loved? She would never know.

Unfortunately, there were no photos of 'Lin Jiayi' and her friends, so she could only guess who was who just from their names. Good for her though, was that she actually heard two out of the three names of 'Lin Jiayi's friends. They were a year older than her, which Lin Jiayi only knew because they were neighbours with the ambition of opening a pastry shop after they graduated. Many claimed that their pineapple tarts were nice, but she did not get the chance to try them.

They were even poorer than the Lin family even after their wealth was used up. If not because their village chief paying for their school fees, they would have already started working at a young age. Their village was next to Shengzhang village, and they needed to walk from their homes for more than an hour to reach the nearest bus stop that would drop them to school which would take them another hour.

Their determination and ambition were praised by many, but in this world, they do not seem to have the same life and character worth respected at all.

Lin Jiayi could not wait to finish reading the other diaries to find out how they could be friends and mutually harm each other.

Luckily, the design of their school uniform was the same, but there was still something that bothered her. Unlike her own closet where her school uniforms were winter uniforms, 'Lin Jiayi's' closet had more summer uniforms instead.

A little spark of hope lit in her heart. That small hope had her quickly searching for a machine. But her hand stopped before touching the shower heater.

It is not cheap.

Yet the heater was the only electronics she could find in the house. The fridge, television, and house phone were all gone.

Lin Jiayi stopped looking around the house and decided to test her touch on something that was not hers but also would not bring trouble if it was broken until replacement.

'Just touch the road lamp post. It's public property.'

No way.

The fastest way to know if this world's Lin Jiayi has the same problem as her would be to ask her grandparents. But she found it hard to bring herself to ask when the topic would bring up sad memories when 'Lin Jiayi's' death was still fresh.

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