Chapter 18 - Isn't that the infamous Karena?!

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Chapter 18 

Isn't that the infamous Karena?!

Eying the back of the principal as he led them to Lin Jiayi's new classroom, she decided not to say anything. Grandma Lin has the right to preserve whatever perception she has of her own granddaughter. Everyone behaved differently towards different people, so who was to say that 'Lin Jiayi' did not treat her grandparents well?

Besides, the matter of changing classrooms and away from the three bad friends was also resolved.

Lin Jiayi eyed the entrance of Class 1-2, which was the same class she used to go to. If Grandma Lin requested for her to go to a better class, then her counterpart's actual classroom was 1-3, the bottom scorer class of the high school first grade. Perhaps this world's Lin Jiayi could enjoy electronics and does not need to read books during her free time.

Will the syllabus be the same? Could she catch up if it's far ahead?

Class 2 of first grade immediately fell silent when they saw Principal Mah. Then their eyes went further and saw a new student. But she has a familiar face. Where have they seen her before?

Wait, no, isn't that the infamous Karena?!

Lin Jiayi had followed the makeup trend, but with everyone growing up together, they could vaguely still remember her bare-faced face.

And it was a face that would not lose to most ordinary girls.

As the class would not start for another ten minutes, the teacher was still not in yet, so Principal Mah had to make the announcement himself.

"Lin Jiayi will temporarily join class two. Exactly next month, your teacher will conduct a small exam. If her result is not the lowest in the class, she will officially join the class."

Right in front of everyone, Grandma Lin said to Lin Jiayi in a loud voice, "Jiajia, if those bad girls approach you again, tell Grandma. I will go find their parents to have a good talk about child education."

Grandma Lin's expression was full of doting, wearing a lens that her granddaughter would do no wrong. But in others' eyes, she looked like a smiling killer.

The surroundings immediately filled with hushed whispers. Soon, everyone would know that the fierce and strict Grandma Lin forbade Lin Jiayi to hang out with Melissa, Jasmine and Sherly. Her grandmother was also somehow able to get Principal Mah to agree to shift Lin Jiayi to an upper classroom and force her to study well.

Some were in awe of how Grandma Lin was able to rein her rebellious granddaughter.

Some laughed at Lin Jiayi's misfortune to be publicly humiliated and for her freedom to be ripped away.

And some were offended that such a low-scored student would enter their class. There were already ideas of making sure Lin Jiayi knew her place once she was placed last in their class and kicking her back to class 3.

"Madam Lin, such matters can be left to the school to handle," Principal Mah said.

"Principal Mah, do you believe every student dared to inform their teachers that they are bullied? The first person a student will look for help is their parents. If there's an issue, I will be sure to inform you."

Teacher Chia, who had arrived and heard only Grandma Lin's last sentence, was puzzled before seeking out the principal.


A young man in baggy clothes and spectacles with signs of fixing with tapes had his back hunched over his desk filled with reports. He was about to pull out his hair when the door of the 'Village Development News' department room opened.

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