Chapter 30 - Granny, why does Mom want to kill you?

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Chapter 30 - Granny, why does Mom want to kill you?

"Hah? She died so easily?"

Lin Jiayi nearly got choked by her own saliva. "It... it rained heavily again later!"

"If we just look at these simple clues, then the niece is at fault. Is that the answer?"

"I... I don't know."

"Right, this is homework. The teacher will give you the answer on Monday?" From Lin Jiayi's reaction, it seems that her answer was the niece.


Lin Jiayi belatedly realized a problem. Now that Grandma Phang was interested, she would likely ask about the 'answer' next time! What was she supposed to answer?

This is her karma for lying! ( >﹏<。)

"It is good if things are that simple. But in real life, the niece is not at fault. She may have heard Grandma A asking for help, but she is sick. She could be having a high fever or broken a leg, and those injuries are enough to keep her in bed. There will certainly be other people around that hear Grandma A's call."

"But... but there was no one around."

"Grandma A have a son and daughter? And grandchild?"

"Yes. A son and daughter-in-law. Her grandchild is just one year old."

"One-year-old. So her son and daughter-in-law work?"

"Only her son. Her daughter-in-law stays at home to weave baskets to sell," Lin Jiayi automatically answered without adjusting it, but luckily Grandma Phang was occupied in solving the 'case' to take note of it.

"Aha! So where's the daughter-in-law? Grandma A falls near the house, so she should be able to hear it! This is suspicious!"

"I... I remember she went to the market and she was the first person to find Grandma A dead." This was told to her by her aunt after the police settled everything. Mrs Phang had gone to the market and then to her mother's house, so her return was late.

As the incident happened when she was still young, it was easier for her to forget about the tragic incident after suffering another high fever from the shock.

"Unless the ingredients are all used up, it's strange to go to the market after the heavy rain. And it rains again? Most stalls won't open on wet ground with deep puddles, especially if the weather has not cleared up. And what's with the grandchild? There's no way to bring a baby to the market, so she should have asked her mother-in-law to watch after the child. It's highly likely that the daughter-in-law might have seen Grandma A tripped and does not want to help, making an excuse to go out and come back late with her son. Her mother-in-law's death might not be what she expected, but if she got a cruel mother-in-law, she might be secretly happy with her death."

Lin Jiayi's mouth hung open at how Grandma Phang twisted everything and framed the daughter-in-law being the one responsible for Grandma A's death. In her distant memory, Mrs Phang was a soft-spoken lady that was always being nagged by her mother-in-law. She had never seen Mrs Phang speak against Grandma Phang and always did everything that she was asked to do.

She does not seem like someone capable of doing that. There was no memory of the police sending Mrs Phang to jail, so she was not guilty.

Even if Lin Jiayi knew the whole scenario was likely to be Grandma Phang's wild imagination, it also strangely makes sense. So much that it lightened the old guilt lingering in her heart.

To not help Grandma Phang in her world even if she was a mean-mouthed person who always called her bad luck star in disgust whenever they bumped into each other was too petty of her.

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