Chapter 20 - She can hide now, but she can't hide forever

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Chapter 20 

She can hide now, but she can't hide forever

After the third day of repeatedly waking up after sunset and in a posture where she was doing something instead of lying on bed, Lin Meili realized something dreadful.

The original Lin Meili, the owner of this body, was still alive!

Sounding out her nurse, she found out she would recover her memory during the daytime. So Lin Meili pushed herself to stay awake throughout the night, which the nurse strangely cooperated with her, but she would immediately blackout when the first light of the morning appeared.

This new situation completely threw her plans, to return to Shengzhang village after discharging, out of the window.

She had no idea how the other Lin Meili's relationship was with her parents, but with no sign of them on the second day of her hospitalization, it told her a lot.

There was also a plausibility that whatever she claimed to be would be refuted by the original Lin Meili. What she knew was their personality was noticeably different, if the people around her actually found out about her change quicker than she did.

"Madam, are you sure you don't feel any pain?" The doctor in charge of her, Doctor Lam, asked her once a day. Or night, as to her limited memory.

"No. Other than the slight pulling sensation from the cut on my head. Doctor, when can I be discharged?" Lin Meili does not dare to ask many questions that would indirectly expose her ignorance, but she really wants to know when she could finally get out of this hospital. She would much rather rest in the fancy bedroom of the original Lin Meili.

"Hmm, not so soon, I'm afraid. Mrs Song, you must continue eating the medicine on time."

Doctor Lam did not betray anything on his face and left Lin Meili's ward. In his office, the Song's family butler was waiting for him.

"The night version of Mrs. Song does not feel any pain. But why does she feel so during the day? Doctor Lam, is there no explanation for this?" Butler Song asked.

"Actually, it is normal... er, more understandable for Mrs. Song to feel pain with her current worsened condition. The night version of Mrs Song's body is working as it should, and her pain receptors are also working normally. I believe the reason why she did not feel it is because she had mentally blocked the pain in her mind."

"Is that possible?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but we humans could do weird... er, great things. There's even someone that does not need to eat or drink just from staring at the sun every day."

"Doctor, let's speak in science instead of myths."

Doctor Lam let out an embarrassed cough. "Of course. Mrs. Song's possible explanation of her condition is told by someone I know, a psychology expert. I could introduce her to you if Mr Song wants to look at the matter in that direction."

"I will pass the word to my sir."

When Song Tianyu appeared at Lin Meili's ward after work, she was not surprised as he had been dropping by every evening. They somehow got along in their own way and she became less guarded towards him. Today, he was followed by the familiar doctor in charge of her, as well as an unfamiliar female.

When the woman was introduced as a psychiatrist, Lin Meili started to panic. Did she get caught or do they think she was crazy?!

She could not chase the psychiatrist out, so she just gave vague answers under the scrutiny of Song Tianyu.

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