Chapter 2 - Are you a beast

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Warning: Suicide

Chapter 2

Are you a beast

With her father's encouragement, she obediently drank the entire bowl. Not only did she get to eat drumsticks, but she also got to drink soup that was thick and full of ingredients, unlike the usual watery taste.

Why was this year's birthday more special than any of her other birthdays? Was it because she did well on her exams?

No, he never cared about her grades.

If possible, he would have her work instead of studying. It was only her late grandfather who insisted she study so that she could continue going to school.

Did her father finally willing to accept her?

Even if she knew better than to be hopeful, she was just like any other kid who want recognition and affection from their parents.

Hmm? Why is her hand getting tired?

She was doing her best to hold on, but her increasingly weakening hands gave the drumstick the opportunity to escape from her fingers. Much to her horror, the dropped drumstick collided with her rice bowl. She could only helplessly watch as her rice bowl slipped from the table and fell to the ground, her body unable to react. Luckily, her bowl was made from clay, so it did not break from the fall that easily.

Oh no, her father would definitely be angry that she wasted food and dirtied the floor!

Her mind was telling her body to pick up the fallen bowl, but strangely, her body completely refused to respond.

"It started?" Her father put down his bowl and walked out of the kitchen, not at all angry at her mistake.


Lin Jiayi was shocked that her words slurred, just like how the neighborhood's fool talked. With her heart blocked by fear, she could only wait for her father to return, her ears picking up sounds of doors locking, windows closing and curtains moving.

Her puzzled eyes followed her father's figure when he came back into the kitchen, this time closing the kitchen windows and doing something at the stove with a knife that she could not see from her current spot.

The sixteen-year-old ignorant Lin Jiayi had yet to realize how severe the situation was getting. Currently, she was just wondering how to tell her father her body felt so heavy that even speaking was difficult to do.

Lin Ge Shuai placed a small photo frame of his wife on the table. Caressing the picture affectionately, he softly said, "Today is Yaoyao's death day. Soon, we will reunite again."

The table full of food before her mother's portrait resembled offerings to the dead.

Lin Jiayi's body was not working, but her nose was working just fine. She was sure what she smelled was gas! She wanted to tell her father that the gas was leaking, but all she could muster were weird, unintelligible slurs.

But that got her father's attention. However, the previously peaceful gaze when he looked at his daughter was back to the disgust that Lin Jiayi was familiar with.

Lin Ge Shuai took out an old lighter with a delicate design from his pocket. "I really don't want to bring you along, but you need to apologize to Yaoyao. Today is the day you come, so it's the right day to send you back."

Lin Jiayi's happiness from the birthday treatment was no longer there as the strangeness of her father formed an unpleasant picture in her mind. The sudden heaviness on her body, the window closing, the smell of gas and the lighter... Lin Jiayi finally realized she was in danger from her own biological father.

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