Chapter 13 - I lost my memory, not turning into a fool

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Chapter 13  

I lost my memory, not turning into a fool

"How is your head?" Song Tianyu glanced at Lin Meili's wrapped forehead with a polite concern one usually showed to an acquaintance and not to a wife.

"Still alive. Are you Song Tianyu?"

Song Tianyu paused. His butler had not mentioned anything about amnesia. But those questions she asked were indeed the signs of amnesia. "Do you not recognize your rightful husband?"

To his surprise, the amenable woman scoffed as if she heard an unpleasant joke. She pushed the door of her bedroom wider to go back in to pick up a paper.

"I will be honest with you. I don't remember you after waking up with a head injury. I also don't remember being married and I happen to find this. We are just married for benefits, but I no longer want those benefits. Let's divorce."

This was very different from the usual Lin Meili's behaviour even with her 'amnesia'. From the prior investigation, Lin Meili during her teenage years was not like this either. That explained behaving 'weirdly' from the butler's mouth.

"Even if you forgot, you should have read it after finding this document. From the fine print, you know that only I can ask for a divorce."

Lin Meili had read the fine details after seeing the main point of the contract but had actually hoped he could bypass it when she asked. Being caught, she could only thicken her skin. "Then agree to it."

"There is no reason for me to agree. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the hospital to check your injury... and memory loss."

"My injury is fine. My memory... will return in time! The contract is no longer beneficial to me, which means there's no meaning for me to stay in this marriage. You can find another person to marry anyway."

"I will only speak to Lin Meili with her brain working normally. You could not use 'don't remember' to break your promise. Do you at least recognize your signature? Any contract will only be in full effect or cancelled only when both parties are sane and capable of rational thoughts."

"I lost my memory, not turning into a fool."

"In the eye of the law, that is considered a brain injury. Amnesia is when one is unable to decide things without knowing the full facts. If you are worried about benefits, I can offer more. What do you want? Main cast in a movie? International modelling gig?"


This was the first time Song Tianyu saw his legal wife having a foolish look. "We will discuss further after seeing the doctor tomorrow."

Song Tianyu left before Lin Meili could think about anything conductive to counter the argument.

Lin Meili belatedly understood that she was being naive to think she could get the divorce easily. She had wrongly assumed her legal husband would want the divorce as well if she strongly argued for her right.

Was this not the typical 'white moonlight' replacement scenario, or the 'marry to appease parents'? Or this marriage happen because 'Lin Meili', the shameful party that forced Song Tianyu to marry her after having their 'affair' caught on camera?

What other scenario was there to have a CEO marry a woman from a poor, humble background?

Lin Meili tossed the marriage contract onto the dressing table frustratedly.

Jiayi ah, your silly wish of having your aunt marry a rich CEO comes true ah!

But that was not what Lin Meili wanted at all!

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