Chapter 15 - Mrs Song's report

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Chapter 15 

Mrs Song's report

The Song's family butler handed over a file with the hospital logo on it. "Sir, the report is out."

The butler patiently continued to hold out the document until Song Tianyu finished replying to his assistant's message. He was catching up on his work using his mobile phone in the hospital waiting room.

Unlike other multi-millionaire CEOs, Song Tianyu's hands were rough from hard work, which he never tried to hide using lotions or whatnot. Rough hands and elegant suits never looked as matching as they do other than on Song Tianyu.

A good-looking person with a good-looking body often had a much easier time having their flaws accepted by society.

His eyes disinterestedly breeze through the document filled with jargon that he would never understand. "Where's the doctor?"

"He is doing his last round first before coming over to discuss Madam's report." The butler really wanted to know if the doctor did not care about Mr Song or just wanted to flaunt his authority over a rich man.

Not willing to waste any time going through something he would never understand, Song Tianyu placed aside the doctor's report and returned to his business over his phone.

The doctor finally graced them with his presence after a ten-minute wait. "I'm sorry. I received an emergency call so I had to settle that matter first. Have you glanced over Mrs Song's report?"

Song Tianyu put away his phone and his blue light filter spectacles, and gave the doctor his attention. "Explain that to me."

"Mrs Song showed some sign of intracranial hematoma...internal bleeding in her head from her fall. Don't worry, it's recoverable, but there will be long-term complications. As long as it's dealt with properly, the complications won't affect her normal life that much."

Doctor Lam had high hopes for it, especially when the patient seemed to suffer a harmless head injury if not for the scan that told them the truth.

"We recommend Mrs Song to stay for observation for two to three days. Fortunately, it is diagnosed early, so the surgery could be avoided."

"Will it cause a split personality?" Song Tianyu asked.

"Split personality? That's quite unheard of. However there are some rare cases of memory loss. Did Mrs Song behave oddly?"

Song Tianyu lowered his gaze and hid his thoughts from showing. "My wife suffered quite a severe memory loss and does not remember she was married. This morning, she was back to her usual self. I will have to leave her here until the internal bleeding is resolved. If she tries to run, please stop her."

Doctor Lam was puzzled as to why Mrs Song would try to run but still gave a polite response.

Song Tianyu's words may be pushing the responsibility onto the hospital, but he actually assigned a bodyguard and personal nurse to keep an eye on Lin Meili.

With no reason to remain in the hospital, Song Tianyu went to his company to catch up on his work.


Lin Meili could add another way to one of her top five most shocking ways to wake up. Her last memory was falling asleep on the spacious and comfortable bed, so why was she now resting her back on a pillow on a hospital bed, holding onto her red mobile phone she could not access before?

The social media interface on the screen was swiped away to make way for the setting interface.

Her heart was already soaring in happiness, but the joy was cut off when the screen asked for the pin password before she could make any changes. She tried to apply fingerprint recognition, only to face the same inquiry.

Her finger constantly tapped on the screen to avoid blacking it out as she tried to think of other methods. The best way she could think of was changing the screen timeout to ten minutes.

The phone issue was temporarily solved, so Lin Meili finally took in her hospital room in detail. It was spacious and luxurious, more like a room if not for the hospital bed and machines. Aside from her, there was an unfamiliar nurse slicing an apple.

There were many questions about what was going on but first, she would search for some free information on the internet.

The fast-speed internet quickly told her that Shengzhang village existed, she was now in the capital, a place where she had not even dared to dream of going, and 'Lin Meili' was a small actress who was hardly known.

She only managed to find a profile with a poor-resolution photo similar to her face, the list of her works mostly being a beautiful and vicious third party to shake the main protagonists' relationship. There was news saying she was involved in a famed cast, but the movie was still in the editing phase.

"Madam, would you like some apples?"

Lin Meili was so absorbed with her search that she nearly blacked out the screen in reflex. "Oh, thank you."

She did not notice the nurse was startled and started to scrutinize her before sending a message to someone on her phone out of Lin Meili's view.

Song Tianyu had actually forgotten about his hospitalized wife until he received a phone call from his butler in the early evening.

"Sir, Madam has some issues with her memories, and her state is similar to yesterday night." The butler was told to inform if such a situation happened, or else he would have handled the matter personally on his master's behalf.

"Had she tried to escape?"

"She tried once, which failed. It happened after her state of mind changed."

"I will come over." Song Tianyu brought his assistant along to tie up some loose ends before the program's due date.

When Song Tianyu arrived, Lin Meili was enjoying the surprisingly delicious meal. She had never needed to be hospitalized before, but from the packaging and ingredients, she knew her meals were not provided by the hospital.

"Prepare another set for me," Song Tianyu informed his butler and took a seat on a couch. He waved the nurse out of the room, leaving the fake husband and wife alone.

'Lin Meili' would be 'concerned' over why Song Tianyu would be here while secretly being delighted, but not the current Lin Meili.

"I want to visit my hometown."

"Did the doctor not inform you of your condition?" Song Tianyu returned a question calmly, but his gaze was intensely accessing her.

"It's not serious and I hardly feel any pain. I'm more concerned about my family, and they can tell me things I need to know."

Such as why would 'Lin Meili' agree to this agreement in the first place. Did she not feel the challenge and joy of climbing up through her own efforts?

But she could somewhat understand the desire to take shortcuts and have such a good-quality husband in one go.

Song Tianyu suddenly found a little desire to laugh. The nurse had reported to his butler that when Lin Meili heard her condition from the doctor, she was so afraid that she willingly stayed in the hospital for a few days. She had even told her agent that she could no longer accept the role of a third female lead, which would be the best role she would have ever played. As it was a serious head injury, the agent did not push the issue, especially when Lin Meili was Song Tianyu's wife.

"You can return for a visit after the doctor permits you to be discharged."

The author has something to say:

Ah, my hope of writing without needing to do research is impossible! Aish I need to research head injury and find out about intracranial hematoma! Hmph! Let us both learn something about intracranial hematoma! If there's anything wrong with my understanding of the matter, sorry (>.<)

FYI the treatment is make-believe by this author. From what I researched, the only way seems to be surgery... well.

And who said CEOs have to know EVERYTHING?! At least not my CEO~

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