Chapter 16 - Grandma, can I not be their friend?

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Chapter 16 

Grandma, can I not be their friend?

Song Tianyu left the room and talked to the specialized nurse he had hired to care for Lin Meili. "Is there any trigger that causes the change?"

"Not that I can think of. Madam had complained about a headache and was a little frustrated from being admitted to the hospital. She insisted on being fine other than slight pain from the head injury. The amnesia hit all of a sudden, and I only know of it when her movement and speech changed."


"...Previously, Mrs Song's posture and movement were dainty and ladylike. After the change, Mrs Song is more open with her body language and less formal with her speech." The nurse did not dare to say what told her the first hint she got was because Mrs Song had thanked her for the sliced apple.

The nurse had seen split personalities before, but when she accepted Lin Meili's case, she was only informed of periodical amnesia, not the emergence of a different persona. If the Song's family butler had not informed their employer immediately as if it was an urgent matter, she would have thought it was Lin Meili's trick to throw them off.

When Doctor Lam, the doctor in charge of Lin Meili's case, heard about it, he was worried about the huge change of personality and went to do some brain tests after getting permission from the patient's spouse first.

Song Tianyu returned to Lin Meili's ward, ignored her questioning gaze as he finished his dinner and continued dealing with his work. She wanted to ask a lot of things with amnesia as a cover, but she was afraid that her questions would annoy him and get him to retract his agreement to go back to her hometown.

Lin Meili believed that she would not stay long in the hospital anyway, and soon she would see her niece again. She just hoped her niece would be fine until then.

The silence lasted for two hours and Song Tianyu finally left without fruitful results when the visiting hours ended. The nurse would be staying overnight and was told to keep an eye on Lin Meili and check if her personality would change again, and see what triggers it.


The report was very, very bad, as the elderly Lin had guessed it would be.

"You are not on your period. It's internal bleeding. You may not notice, but your hair falls more than average and your insides are badly burned. How could you not feel any pain?"

In short, it was a miracle Lin Jiayi was still moving and breathing! Even if she was alive and healthy in appearance now, she should be dropping dead anytime soon.

The doctor wanted to immediately admit Lin Jiayi in, but Grandpa Lin pulled the 'ask a second opinion' excuse to escape. It was the patient's right to deny treatment, so the doctor could not force them to stay, letting them go after spewing a lot of dangerous scenarios if Lin Jiayi failed to get treatment in time.

Lin Jiayi really thought that was just an excuse, but Grandpa Lin brought them to another hospital to do another test. Luckily, the doctor was willing to entertain them as they arrived very close to the closing time.

The report would only be done by tomorrow, so they had to return another time.

After tossing around for the whole day, Lin Jiayi felt like a hollowed shell with her energy drained completely from her.

As the one least tired among the group, Grandma Lin quickly made a decision for everyone before sending them to bed. "We could not ask for leave again tomorrow. The teacher will suspect Jiajia of playing truant and your boss to use this excuse to fire you. During your lunch break, go to the city and collect the report. No, the trip takes hours, so go there after work instead. I can handle our dinner preparations and pick up Jiajia from school. Jiajia, tomorrow Grandma will accompany you to school."

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