Chapter 19 - Do you think it's the machines that kill our Jiayi?

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Chapter 19 

Do you think it's the machines that kill our Jiayi?

Withholding the urge to sigh, Grandpa Lin turned to the young man dressed in a full business suit and gelled hair that screams professional. "Everyone has signed an employment contract that states their working hours. If they want to work more hours without extra pay, that's their choice."

At the leaving hour, there were quite some people around the exit, and naturally paid attention to their new boss. Some even started to sweat at the idea of going home on time.

"There should be a deadline for the annual interview with Elder Jia coming right up. Have you properly prepared for it?"

"Naturally. It will be completed before the deadline. If you will excuse me, I'm in a hurry." Shengzhang village does not have a large number of cars, so usually, there was no traffic, except for road accidents. But it was a different case in the city, where traffic was at its peak right after work hours.

But the young boss would not let this conversation end this way. "Chief Lin, what could there be that is more important than work? You have requested emergency leave for two days and your work is piled up, so it's understandable for you to work late today to settle your workload. I will have to remind you that if your work is not up to standard, your payment will have to be cut, or even worse, I will have to demote you to let others who are younger and more passionate about their job fill your position. We can't let hardworking employees feel unsatisfied for being unappreciated."

"If being passionate and younger means doing a better job, why aren't they immediately become Chief but an intern?"

'Like you', was not said, but it hung heavily in the air. Most of the employees knew how their new boss took over their office and in their opinion, his qualifications were not the first reason.

"Ah? Chief Lin? Why are you still here? Did you not leave on time to collect your hospital report?" Wen Jian's voice cut the tense air. He looked genuinely confused, but the slight tremble of his lips betrayed his act of ignorance.

"Chief Lin, are you sick? No wonder. It's bad to work late if you are sick, so hurry and go back to rest." It was Chief Thein who said it. "Come on everyone, don't block the way."

Boss Liang's face turned dark when he saw another older employee going home early.

Chief Thein noticed the young boss' attention was him, so he said, "I'm able to finish my job on time because I'm good at managing my time. Okay, bye, everyone!" He grabbed Grandpa Lin as he exited the building.

"Thanks," Grandpa Lin said as soon as they were out of hearing range.

Chief Thein arched an eyebrow. "Your words are usually much sharper towards people that deserve it."

"He is still his grandson. I have to give the older one some face."

Chief Thein just waved his hands in disregard. "The younger generation should respect the elder! What kind of grandson did he teach? Wen Jian said you are sick? Why don't you just say that and save yourself from being harassed further?"

"I'm healthy. It's my granddaughter. I will be picking up her hospital report from the city. I don't want to say it as it's a personal matter and I did not break any company rule by leaving on time. Who would have known it would become like this?" Grandpa Lin sighed.

"She's okay?"

Grandpa Lin just smiled and excused himself.

The second hospital Grandpa Lin picked was larger and it has many people despite it being almost the end of visiting hours.

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