Chapter 8: The Past About Ashton.

Start from the beginning

Ashton: us please....

He whispered. And as if the world heard his wish, the door busted open. They all looked at the person and it revealed Claude Ravenswood. The woman began to behave more aggressively. Screaming loudly.

Claude: Father.

Priest: Claude, this woman is too violent! I can't control her!

Claude: Did you bring what I asked you to bring Father?

The priest nodded and opened his case, taking out the ring that had a cross on it. And a bottle of holy water. He gave them to Claude that took it. Claude wore the ring and walked towards the woman tied in the bed. He smirked.

Claude: Who are you?

Woman: Claude...the greatest of master...

Claude sat down beside her and leaned closer to her.

Claude: What is your name?

Woman: Keres...

Claude nodded and smirked.

Claude: Keres.

Priest: Keres? Meaning for evil spirits.

Claude: Get out of there.

Keres: Never...

Claude: You've got no other choice.

He grabbed her neck and splashed her face with holy water making her scream loudly.

Claude: Let's do this the easy way or the hard way.

Keres: Burn yourself in Hell!

Claude stood up and got on top of her, standing over her. Claude began to pray. The woman cried loudly. Screaming loudly. Thrashing around. Claude splashed her with holy water. She screamed loudly.

Claude: By the power of God! I condemn you back to Hell!

The woman roared loudly. The whole house began to shake. Furnitures began to fly across the room. Windows breaking.

Keres: She is never coming back! She's mine!

Her demonic voice said.

Claude: Then so be it.

He sat on top of her, using the ring that had a cross and pressed it against her forehead. Burning her skin. She screamed out loud, her eyes bled and eyes were turning bright red. She screamed at him, and a furniture was sent flying in Claude's way. He looked at his right side and saw a furniture flew right at him. Hitting him. He grunted in pain and he was thrown in the floor. He grunted in pain. The priest began to pray again. Keres looked at the priest, the priest stopped praying when he felt his feet float. He looked at his feet and they were floating. He was up in the air. Out of fear he began to pray even more, causing him to be thrown across the room. He was met against the wall, making him unconscious. Ashton ran to the priest.

Ashton: Father! Father! Wake up!

He shook him but he didn't wake up. Ashton saw the cross on the floor. He grabbed it and stood up and faced the cross in front of her. She stopped screaming. She hissed at the cross. Ashton also began to pray. She screamed loudly.

Ashton: Claude! Help me!

Claude: Where's Father?

Ashton: He is unconscious!

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