Chapter 18: Suspicious.

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It was night time. Aubrey is sleeping peacefully. Meanwhile with Claude, he was sitting in the chair across his room. Head lowered. Fingers caressing the necklace of his sister. His eyes closed and yet her voices echoing in his ears. He remembered the time where his father spoke to him. He remembers it very clearly.


Claude was walking down the stairs when he saw his father on the couch. Slumped down. Holding a bottle of wine. He was about to walk away when the floor creaked.

Tony: Son?

Claude: It is me Father.

Tony: Come here.

Claude walked towards him and sat down beside him. They were both engulfed in silence. He sighed heavily.

Tony: Are you mad at me Claude?

Claude: What?

Tony: Are you mad because I am like this? A madman, a killer, an alcoholic, old loser?

Claude: Father....

Tony: You know, when I once met your mother. I was a sinner. A big sinner. I kill people. I steal. I hurt people. I thought love was just an advantage. But when I met her, it was not an advantage. It was real. I never thought a man like me could be a victim of love. We became friends. And finally to lovers. Our love rewarded us to have a son like you. A great boy. Me and your mother loved you so dearly. I remember your mother could not go anywhere without you. Wherever you would go, she would follow you. You were the boss of us. A baby boss.

They both chuckled softly.

Tony: Then we had another baby. Your baby sister. Vivian. Our family, was a paradise for me. I felt for the first time, I felt like I was in heaven. You were my angels. When you give me those smiles, the weight on my shoulders would lift up. And encourage me to go on living. I felt like I had it all. Happiness. Joy. Peace. Love. *Chuckled dryly* It is funny how I thought a man like me could be loved forever. She changed slowly. She became distant. She became cold. She turned into a woman I do not know. I missed her warm smiles. Her warm hugs. Her sweet soft voice. Her love. But that all changed ever since she met that man. And you know what hurts me? I found out secretly. It hurt me. But for the sake of our family, I kept it hidden and pretended not to know when I knew every night. She would go to his house and spend a night with him.

Claude: Why did you not tell me?

Tony: I was scared. I was scared that if I tell you, our family would be broken. If only I knew my efforts of hiding it behind me would go in vain, then maybe I should not have hid it. I should have just spoken the truth. But it was too late. I was too late.

Claude had tears on his eyes.

Tony: I wanted to keep our family together. I can bare all the pain in my heart just to see you and Vivian happy. But I lost it when I found out she let that man touch her inappropriately. I lost it. I showed them both, what I was capable of. What I have been hiding behind me. I showed them my dark side. Any father, would do anything for his children. I would do anything for you and for Vivian. I did not spend my whole life watching over you both just to find out people are stepping over you. I want to protect you. I want to keep you safe. You and Vivian. I would cut myself into pieces if it would mean that will keep you safe. I will.

Claude: Why did you not tell me? Us? That you were a criminal?

Tony: Who would want to? It was a big secret. And i knew if I was going to tell you, it would break everybody's heart including mine. It was hard. Living in guilt and regret is the most painfullest thing that I could not bare.

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