But Rhea was just thankful to see a smile on Nelo's face.

As well as everyone else's.

It had gone better than expected, so far at least, not to mention that Stephan was such a charming male that Rhea was cursing herself silly and had not opened her heart out sooner.

Together, they had breakfast and spent the better half of the morning with the three pups, giving them the attention they needed—As well as deciding that their nanny could use the break.

And Stephan agreed that he wanted to start seeing them more often, as per their pup status not being so little and helpless anymore.

Currently, Rhea was reading to the three of them. All curled up comfortably and mindful that she's hurt. It was a painful conversation that Stephan and she had to get through.
As she wanted nothing more than to chase and play with them without limitation.

But Rhea's body was still healing as best it could, and with the normal actions of the day, it was a bigger strain—Meaning she was exhausted quite quickly. Even now, holding the book up and reading out loud the story, was pushing her to the point of joining the pups in their nap.

And that is exactly how Stephan had found her, smiling upon the scene he stumbled upon. But he knew that the pups were being too quiet to either be up to something or snoring away.

He was in no position in distributing them, so he turned back into his den and shook his head to both his Beta and Delta. "She won't be joining us."

"She asleep? Goddess, I was wondering if she was still human after all."

"She gets plenty of sleep, believe me. It's that damned injury that is bothering her so much." Stephan reminded, and the Delta ducked his head to the side and took to seating in Rhea's seat.

Considering she would not be here for the discussion.

"Sir, a lot of the pack has voiced their worry on how the King might respond to the pack if he finds out we've hidden her."

"Then he should've specified when asking for a report." He quipped, taking the first bite and allowing the others to do the same. But the Beta had remained still. "A technicality. You are betting the safety of the entire pack on a technicality."

"We are about to be the largest packs outside the Kingdom walls, the King wouldn't dare. And neither with her males and those that are moving in, they won't just allow her to be taken."

"Allow? This is the King we're talking about. We were lucky he didn't retaliate when you asked him to leave." Stephan shrugged, but it was the Delta's turn to speak.
"The King has called back his searches, I think they are growing hopeless all things considered. The inn has been reinstated and all traces are gone." The Alpha had remained silent, and took into account what has happened.

"No, he wouldn't give up the search. Not so easily. He's just like his father, goes until the very end. It must be his council of noblemen. Either they don't believe in the Rogue King to this attacks or otherwise." It was clear that the Alpha didn't expect to hear this type of moves, and thus, things were still a bit suspicious in terms of whether or not the search was still ongoing.

"From the testaments Rhea has given, there are dozens of names that lived within the city lines. What if that is how the noblemen are staying in power? A wolf doesn't belong in the city, Alpha. They'll need other forms of power than brute strength." It was true, the wolves living in the Kingdom walls were growing lazy and arrogant in that type of lifestyle.

Whereas those in the outer walls were more prone to understanding how the meal gets to the table. If the Alpha wanted to guess, the top three Lycan noblemen hadn't hunted properly in years.

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