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"Where is Vernon hyung?" Dino asked looking for him.
"I also don't know, we had different classes and now I also can't find him". Seungkwan huff, sipping his Americano.
"Shall we go to cafeteria? He will call us if he wants to meet". Dino suggested and Seungkwan just agreed with a huff.
They headed to cafeteria and Seungkwan got really upset with the sight he saw.
He saw a girl hugging his boyfriend Vernon, and Vernon also didn't push her away. Instead he hugged her back and gave her the extra coffee he was holding.
This really hurt the older as how can his boyfriend do this, so this is really true what people say. They always told Seungkwan that he is so fat, he doesn't look good and Vernon will indeed get bored of him one day and leave him.
Seungkwan can't lose Vernon, not when he loves him so much. Dino was also watching the same thing and don't know what to do. He just decided to be with Seungkwan in whatever he'll do. When Seungkwan wiped his tears away and started to walk towards the pair, Dino just followed him, a little worried about what is about to happen.

"Leave". As soon as Seungkwan reach the pair, he eyed the girl and told her to leave.
"Seungkwan listen fi..."
"I'll talk to you later, first tell this bitch to leave". Seungkwan said angrily.
"What the heck did you just call me? Hansol Oppa, who is this idiot?" She asked totally annoyed by the tone Seungkwan used with her.
"Bitch is what I said, cause you are the one. Flirting with other people's boyfriend, don't you have any shame". Seungkwan insulted her with his mocking tone.
"The heck, how dare you talk to me like that. Hansol Oppa, I never knew your choice is someone like this, a fatass". She commented.
"What? Yeah right. That's why you two were flirting right. Vernon, I really thought you loved me, but see you were just acting". Vernon furrowed his eyebrows at the older's words.
"What the fuck Seungkwan, I was flirting with her? You don't know anything".
"Yeah I know nothing, I don't know that I'm fat, I don't know that I'm not good at anything at all. I also don't know that people make fun of me. I also don't know that everyone says that we should not be together, and I don't know that now you also want the same. That's why you are flirting with this bitch".
"That's enough Seungkwan". Vernon literally shouted getting more attention than they were already getting.
"You really don't know nothing rather than reaching to conclusions, right. You just insulted her, without even knowing, who she is. She is my cousin Seungkwan, a COUSIN. But no you have to make a big fucking matter out of it".
"Vernon hyung, Seungkwan hyung acted at his instinct, he didn't know". Dino tried to handle a little.
"That's what I'm saying Dino, this guy here don't know the whole truth but still starts to judge people. He doesn't even trust me. He don't trust my love, he thinks I'll flirt with any other girls out there. I'm that kind of person, right? How many huh, how many times Seungkwan? How many times I've told you stop but see you never listen". Vernon said taking out his anger and now physically hurting the older a little as he holds Seungkwan's arm very tightly. Seungkwan didn't even complain as he was ashamed of himself. He was feeling devastated.
How can he act like this without even knowing anything.

"You know what Seungkwan, I have enough, enough of your bullshit now. I can't take it anymore, I don't want to be with you anymore. I think we should end this fucking humiliating relationship. I am really tried of explaining myself, I can't do this anymore. I can't see the people who are mine close one getting hurt by you. I sorry but please leave me alone". Vernon finished pushing Seungkwan's arm away and walking away from there with his sister. She looked at Seungkwan with a little regret then walked with her cousin. Dino himself don't know how to handle this situation as he just in the morning heard about Jun and Minghao's breakup and now it's Seungkwan and Vernon. Seungkwan was just standing there crying, he doesn't know what to do anymore, he can't accept that he really lost his most precious thing, his one and only one, his Vernon. He broke down on the floor crying hard, Dino tried his best to console him.

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