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It's time for LA

Everyone settled on their respective seats on flight. Hoshi got to sit next to Woozi. Woozi said he'll shift with another member and Hoshi pouted. "Ahh whatever I'll just sleep". Woozi decided not to switch after looking at Hoshi's pouty face and just turned to look away. Hoshi was just happy to sit next to Woozi. Luckily Jun and Minghao got seats next to each other.

"Finally we are here". Dino sigh putting his bag down and relaxing on sofa. "Yeah finally". Wonwoo sat next to him. "We will choose room first". Seungkwan said running upstairs with his bag. There were 7rooms in the farmhouse they were staying. Parent couple and Seoksoo couple decide to stay at ground floor while Minie ,Verkwan couple choose on the first floor. The single one's have to decide whom to share room with. "Hoshi hyung share room with me". Dino asked so Hoshi agreed as he knew Woozi will not let him. Jun took this opportunity and asked to share room with Minghao and no one doubt. Woozi thought Hoshi will insist to share room with him but no it was a let down.
It was already evening so they decided to rest for tonight and tomorrow they will start with the Mv shooting.

The morning rises and everyone got ready with their favorite outfits they want to wear. Hoshi literally loved Joshua's tiger print jacket so he borrowed it from him.
They started to shoot as they wanted, they worked till it's already night so all of them decided to have dinner at a restaurant then head back to their farmhouse.

"Wow I really enjoyed making the Mv". Seungcheol clapped his hands. "True hyung, I can't wait to see how it will turn". Dino added. "We can debut as a group". Seungkwan said with excitement. "Sure we have 3 talented people to lead the group". Dk added. "Who are they?" Hoshi asked. "Scoups hyung, Woozi hyung". "Then who is the third one". Hoshi asked again. "Who do you think hyung?" Dk wanted to tease him. "Oww is it Mingyu. He is really talented guy". Hoshi said. "Mingyu is talented indeed but I was talking about you hyung". "Me? Why me?" "Because you are really talented person". Jeonghan said pinching his cheeks.

The Mv they shoot.

Next day.

"Guys let's go out". Seungkwan suggested. "Yeah let's go, how about we play something?" Jeonghan said. "I'll pass hyung". Dino said refusing. "Why? What will you do at home?" Seungkwan asked with raising his eyebrow. "What can I do. I'll just get some sleep". Dino replied rolling his eyes. "I'll pass to. I'm not in a mood". Hoshi said and everyone was surprised as then never thought Hoshi will refuse to go out. "What? no Hoshi hyung you have to come". Mingyu whined and so did Seungkwan and Vernon. "I'm really not in a mood guys I better just watch TV and rest". "Okay as you say". Joshua said. "I'm staying at home to". Minghao added. "Where are Jun and Woozi?" Wonwoo asked. "Still sleeping". Hoshi replied. "Okay then the others are coming right? Let's go to aquarium". Scoups announced and others went to their rooms to get ready.

"Where are the others?" Woozi asked finally woke up and coming down the stairs. "They went to aquarium". Hoshi said giving Woozi morning coffee. "Why don't you go with them?" Woozi asked taking the mug of coffee and seating next to Hoshi. "Because I have a date". Woozi almost split coffee upon hearing the older. "Date with whom?" He asked. "Obviously with you". Hoshi turned to face Woozi giving him a big smile. "Who said I'm going on a date with you?" Woozi rolled his eyes. "I'll go and change. You to get ready quickly, I'll wait for you at the courtyard". Hoshi ran to his room not giving Woozi time to reply.

"Yaa Dino, you going somewhere?" Hoshi asked Dino as he entered the room and saw Dino all dressed up. "Hyung promise me you will not tell anyone". Dino said with a hesitated voice. "I will not". "I'm going to meet Hoseok Hyung ". Dino said shyly. "Oww right, Wonwoo said they are trying to fix you to up. Are you guys already dating?" Hoshi asked with excitement. "What they tried to fix us up, wait... so that restaurant thing was all planned. You guys are so mean". Dino pouted sitting on the bed. "It's not my idea, nor Wonwoo's. It's all Jimin hyung and Jeonghan hyung's plan so don't be angry with us". Hoshi said seating beside him. "Hmm I am not angry with anyone and we are not dating but I wish we were". Dino rested his head on Hoshi's shoulder. "Don't worry it will happen soon". Hoshi pated Dino's head. "You are lucky for me hyung, so I hope something good happens today. Wish me luck". "I'm always here for you Makanaeyaa. And you should wish luck to". "Why you?" "Cause I'm going after Woozi, wish me luck that I get him". "What Woozi hyung?" Dino shouted with shock. "Yaa stop shouting, I haven't told anyone yet". "Hyung you will definitely get him. No one can resist this cuteness of yours. If it wasn't for Hobi hyung, I could have asked you out so don't worry you will get him and thank you for making me the first one to know about your feelings hyung". Dino said hugging his Hoshi hyung.

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