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A/N - sorry it has been so long since i updated i have been really busy anyways im dome with school and now i am figuring out how to spend my summer and im getting rally bad anxiety from my fomo but its fine because im going back in therapy sorry the chapter is kinda short 

anything yall wanna see in the next few chapters please tell me in the comments and i will see what i can do because i am writing for you guys 

I was able to leave the hospital a few days after the accident. I went back to live at Liams i had therapy twice a week and we were still working on the court case. Which had been accepted by a judge. 

I was in a room with my lawyer and Jackson putting all the evidence in order and figuring out who should take the stand the court date was set for two weeks from now and it was already all over the news. 

"So my current therapist and old therapist will speak. Jackson and I as well as Kendall and Lane. Emily of course. My mom and Marie herself. Is it a good idea to have Marie speak?"

"Marie is young and dumb and could slip up and we know how to ask the right questions she is perfect for making sure we get everything in order. We also have your medical records all the antidepressants and anti anxiety meds you were on as well as a record of self harm. I think we have everything we need from you for this case although i would like to bring to your attention we can make a case against that boarding school and i would highly advise it. I already notified security as to what is going down there."

"We will see i want tp get through this first." 

"alright. You can head out i know you have filming Jackson if you wouldnt mind staying behind for a little bit to work on what you should say at the trial i would appriciate that." 

I headed out to my care and drove to filming. I only had three months of filming and then they would film scenes without me and then if they needed me to redo any scenes they would call me back in. 

I pulled into the parking lot and headed to hair and makeup. While i was getting ready there was a knock on my trailer.

"come in" i hollered.

"hey. i brought you coffee and the bagel bites from dunkin." Mason said holding it up and placing it on the counter in front of me.

"Oh my God thank you so much you are an angel."

"its no problem i didnt know if you got breakfast and this is your favorite and i wanted to surprise you."


I decided to get Fia breakfast this morning while she was in the hospital a nurse pulled me and Liam aside and asked if she had previous eating disorders or struggles with eating. I had never paid attention to her eating before but the more i thought about it she would skip meals and sometimes wouldnt finish everything. I wanted to ask her about it but i didnt want to intrude.

I brought her favorite dunkin and we talked all morning. While i was sitting in her trailer i noticed the bear i made for her sitting on her bed. 

She talked about her upcoming plans for music and life. And how the case was going. Finally it was time for her to go on set and i watched her film a few scenes before heading home. 

I missed having her around all the time but it was good we were talking again


I got home and shut the door putting the keys in the bowl next to the door. 

"your home" liam called from the kitchen.

"nope im a robber breaking in i was just polite enough to copy a key go through the door and make presence known. Yes im home."

"Hilarious." Liam said with a dead pan face and monotone voice as he came into view. "Lets go get sushi for dinner im starving and dont want to cook."

"oh i dont know im not that hungry."

"oh shut up and get ready sushi is your favorite we are leaving in twenty minutes i already have a reservation."

"geez ok lemme go get ready" i said smiling. I took a quick shower and changed into something cute and comfy. I also put on mascara because im famous people will love me or hate me no matter what i looked like so im going to live like me. 

The Deal With Mason ThamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang