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A/N - first of all i want to say think you to you guys we just hit 10k reads and i couldnt be happier 

second i had prom last night so im sorry i didnt update ive been trying to keep up

3rd im creating a discord so that we could build a little community of writing ideas and life updates and just a fun space to connect im putting the link here as well as in my linktree which is in my bio https://discord.gg/JmsCpM6c  you can find my pinterest and spotify on there as well as some other things.

also my head hurts and i feel like shit so sorry if the writing is off in this chapter 

also sorry that it is short and everything


I let out a sob and hugged Mason. He hugged me back pulling me close to him. 

"hey whats wrong?" he asked softly. 

"Marie went too far."

"what do you mean"

"she was at the premier for phantom and was interviewing me and asked if it was true i tried to commit suicide and she knows it is she knows she is the one that drove me to do it and now we are filing a court case against her. And now im just living there again replaying it over and over and i just cant i needed you."

"ok come on in. You want something to eat you want to watch a show? what do you need tell me and ill get it ok."

"i just need you i always feel alone but when im with you i can never be alone." 

"ok then." 

We sat on his couch and i must have ended up falling asleep because i woke up to him and Brooke talking in the kitchen.

"so she just showed up at the door?"

"Yeah and she looked pale and shaken and i was scared i was so scared Brooke she looked like she was about to pass out and die."

"Does she look better now?"

"I dont know she was freezing so i covered her with blankets im making her soup right now. When she gets like this she can forget to eat...i hope that its just she forgets to eat...but i feel like something is actually really wrong. I called Jackson and he said she did seem a little off this morning and that she hasnt been sleeping he doesnt know about eating he said she was very shaken by this whole thing with Marie so maybe its shock i dont know what shock looks like. but she fell asleep so thats good but if she doesnt get better i think she might need to go to the hospital or the emergency room.-"


I was talking with Brooke in the kitchen when i heard Fia get up and make a dash for the bathroom followed by the sound of vomiting. I dropped the spoon i was using to cook with and ran in there after her. I pulled her hair out of her face and rubbed circles on her back. When she finished i helped her wipe her mouth and she looked at me with the most helpless eyes i had ever seen. Her pupils were dialated and she wasnt supporting her own weight. 

"im sorry" she said before leaning back over and vomiting again.


Brooke came into the room bringing the bags before running off to start the car i could hear her on the phone with our mom. I handed Fia the bags and scooped her up. I could see a look of fear in her eyes. I knew she didnt look good when she came here but i didnt know she knew she looked sick.

"Mason i dont want to die." she said whispering.

"your not going to die i promise you wont die"

"my stomach hurts and im dizzy everything is spinning. i dont want to die i dont want to die."

"Why would you die your just sick ok were going to get you help your just sick." 

"I took all of them Mason all of them."

"all of what fia all of what." i said starting to freak out.

"my antidepressants. I just wanted to feel nothing i wanted to be gone. It didnt work the first time i hoped it would work now but i dont want to die I DONT WANT TO DIE." she was sobbing now her body was shaking. Fuck Fuck Fuck i was going to lose her. We got in the car i was in the back seat with her her body in my lap. 

"Brooke i need you to drive faster than you have ever driven in your whole life im calling an ambulance to meet us she overdosed." brookes face paled but she nodded. I called the ambulance and everything started to blur together. At somepoint someone took her from my arms and there was yelling and i was in the back of the ambulance with her. She looked dead she was going unresponsive. Next thing i knew they were taking her away and a reception lady was leading me to a chair. I called Jackson who i guess called her friend Emily and Liam i guess she has been staying at Liams this whole time. I also called Garrett they all showed up and we sat there together waiting to see if we were about to lose out girl.

The Deal With Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now