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A/N - yall today was a terrible day at school so many people treated me like crap today it sucked. But im glad i can come get on here and get to interact with you guys your literally so sweet and amazing. 

Please enjoy this very short and cheezy filler chapter because i want to have some better stuff in the next chapter so this needs to be out of the way.

Also i think im going to make a Mason and Fia edit on my tiktok which is finnieboi4 i already have a fia edit over there and a very off beat scream edit.

"This is so fucking cheezy fia." Jackson said after i told him my plan. 

"well do you have any better ideas?"


"alright then you line that stuff up use my card my name i dont care whatever you need. And i will find a way to get him there."

"alright i guess."

Jackson left my apartment and i sent miguel a text.

I need you to get Mason to the stage downtown
no questions

Oh um ok when?


Two days from now


got it 

Great now i just need to touch base with Finn and get the band there and post on social media. I finished laying the ground work it all looked perfect. Local star would be performing at a local outdoor venue. I will be performing songs i have written including one i had just written called Back To December about Mason. I posted on my instagram the fact i would be performing. Before being going to practice the song.

The day of the performance came and I was backstage a lot more people showed than i thought would. The reality im famous sometimes doesnt really sink in. People actually like me WHAT. It was just a little performance in the afternoon i was playing five songs then Back to December if Miguel is true to his word Mason will be here to hear the last one. 

Finn walked on stage with malcolm and they started playing a few of their original songs to warm the crowd up finally I got my cue. I played those five songs which did not include Your On Your Own Kid but did include another new song I wrote called Long Sleeves. Finally it was time I played the intro and sang hoping that he was out there and hoping he knew it was about him. 

"Thank you everybody for coming out tonight." I said as i finished people around me cheered. "Lets hear it for finn and malcolm it wouldnt be possible without them" more cheering I smiled holding back tears over the fact that Mason wasnt here with me. But maybe he heard it maybe he texted or called or he would make his way over here.

I walked back behind stage letting a few tears fall as I put away the guitar I picked up my phone there were no texts. Not from Mason and not even from Miguel. I cried harder i had really and truly fucked up.

Mason wasnt there :( Or was he 🤔

The Deal With Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now