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A/N - im trying to shift rn and if yall have any tips/expirences yall wanna share with me i would be totally grateful

I watched her premier like an idiot would. I saw him take her hand in his she didnt pull back didnt hesitate didnt let go. I sighed a clicked off the TV. I was getting a snack later when i got a text from miguel.

What happened?


You and fia.


We broke up



She didnt tell him. Weird.


I didnt sleep again tonight. I could only think about Mason and how much I missed him. I pulled out my phone and called Jackson.

"hey wanna go to dunkin they have $1 coffee after midnight and their bagel bites would slap rn"

"yea sure let me just get ready"

"want me to pick you up"

"that would be great." 

I hung up on him and slid on some shoes i grabbed my key of the front table and left. I think its funny the person Mason was jealous of was the person i was going to for comfort. Mason didnt realize I would always pick him over Jackson i basically already had. I pulled up in front of Jacksons house fifteen minutes later. 

"Go, go, go, go" he said getting in the car and buckling the set belt. I took off.

"so why did i need to leave so fast?"

"I think i woke up ella on my way out and the last thing i need her to do is wake up our parents."

"She totally would she is a bitch."

"your telling me."

We got to dunkin and we ordered our coffee and food. 

"So whats up unless caffine at midnight is a normal thing for you."

"I just cant sleep" i said messing with my coffee.


"I have these nightmares and Mason used to sleep with me so he could be there and now that hes not. They have just gotten worse and then this whole marie thing and my parents and the break up. I feel like im going to relapse."

"hey no. First of all if you do relapse its normal its how you used to deal with trauma ok. No one will love you any less if you do. And if they dont love you then they need to get help because clearly something is wrong with them." i smiled a bit at his words. "When you go to do it if you go to do it just stop and think what will this fix in the long run. And if that still doesnt help call me ok."


"Now do you want to actually drink that coffee or do you want me to stay the night with you and see if you sleep any better."

"sleep please i feel like im dying." i said throwing away the coffee.

"Ill drive." he said.

"you dont have your license."

"They wont know you said it yourself i look eighteen and look at this i havent shaved in a while look at this beard coming in here. come here."

"stop." i laughed. As he chased me to my car trying to grab my hand so i could feel 'his beard'. I did climb in the passengers seat and let him drive home soon. He is almost two months younger than me and almost twelve inches taller. He really did look like he was eighteen or nineteen. 

We got back to Liam's apartment and went into my room. He turned on young sheldon one of his favorite shows on my laptop on the desk to play in the background. I climbed into the bed and he turned off the lights before joining me. He put his arm around me before pausing and looking at me.

"you cool with this or nah."

"your fine."

"if you told 7-10 year old you you were laying in a bed with me right now they would think you were lying because you used to hate my guts."

"first of all. I didnt hate you i just had to be better than you which lead to a few fights in the process. Second if you told any age of me i was lying in bed with you their jaw would drop. If you told any age me im famous they would probably pass out. If you told any age me we escaped our parents they would cry happy tears of you..."

"i get i get it there are a lot of things your younger self would react to. You know I missed you while you were away. A whole year without you. Thats what did it for me God i was such a blind ass. You were literally in love with me and told me multiple times but it took you getting sent away to some shitty boarding school that wouldnt let me write you or call you or you write me and call me for me to realize i actually did have feelings for you. I missed your book rants and your advice and your stupid jokes. I missed everything about you to the point i almost got a fucking uber to that school to see you." I turned to look at him his head rested on the pillow behind him his eyes were shut while he talked. "And then when you came back. God the first time i saw you i didnt know what to do with myself. And then you told me what happened there. And then the shit with your parents. Mason saved you and i couldnt. I was jealous still kinda am."

"you tried to call me?" i said tears running down my face. I guess he heard it in my voice because he sat up to look at me.

"Yeah. You were gone for about a month and I had a fight with my dad and hartzler wouldnt answer and Lane doesnt care. And i realized all i wanted to hear in the moment was your voice all i wanted was you. I tried to call but they said you were busy thats what they said everytime."

I hugged him and buried my face into his chest. 

"I thought no one cared I thought you all forgot and then when i came back i found out Emily and Lane didnt know they thought i was just changing programs and ignoring them. I thought you wouldnt talk to me again or care and that whatever this is was over."

"no I asked your mom pestered her till she told me."

"You cared." i said smiling.

"Everyone cared Fia we cared then we cared now. And this is me caring when i say this if you need me to talk to Mason to sign some contract to make him understand im not getting in the way of you two i will because you need him and he most likely probably needs you. We had our chances they didnt work out but you and him I see the way he looks at you and you at him you can make it."

"you think?"

"I have never been more sure of anything in my life."

"If you help me i have something i want to do but i need help coordinating it."

"ok but you need sleep we will talk about this in the morning. Goodnight fifi."

"Goodnight Jackie"

The Deal With Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now