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A/N - yall drop some dog names in the comments for a future chapter :) also dog breeds!

A/N -  alright this one gets a little unrealistic but i think it will make a good scene so like yeah also i think im going to put a TW because of a panic attack and self harm also people being tied up and knocked out by drugs but before you come for me the parents consented and the kids are safe. If you dont want to read this chapter because it feels like it is too unrealistic or too triggering i will put a recap both at the bottom of this chapter and the beginning of next. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I love you all xx

My mom sat my dinner in front of me and she asked me about filming. Garrett is talking to his girlfriend on the phone and my dad is working late again. I started eating and then after a few minutes I got really dizzy and everything faded to black.


I was tied to the spinny chair in a hotel room. This was all scott Fia and I had our dispute over whatever it was and then she couldnt get close to me or be near me during filming and since she was my love interest that made it very difficult. So apparently they decided to lock us in a room together till we can figure it out. They slipped something into something i was eating and brought me hear and tied me to this stupid chair i guess so i couldnt escape when they brought Fia in.

"NO NOOO STOP NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN." she screamed out as she sat up tears falling down her cheeks she was shaking really bad and started punching herself in the leg over and over.

"Fia." I said softly soft enough she wouldnt get scared but loud enough she could hear me. I watched as he beating on her leg turned to scratching and i couldnt do anything to stop her.

"FUCKKK." she screamed and sobbed grabbing at her hair pulling it and scratching at her face. Her leg was red with blood from where she was scratching it before I had to get her attention.

"FIA SAWYER" i yelled that still didnt work i kept working at the knots they started to slip a while ago but were getting looser. They werent tied to tight to begin with. After a good two minutes more of struggling i was free. I ran towards her as fast as i could pinning her body beneath mine so she couldnt hurt herself anymore. "hey hey hey. calm down." i whispered in her ear. Her body was underneath mine i had her hands pinned over her head and my head was in the space between her neck in shoulder in any other circumstances this would seem wrong but i had no other way to stop her. She fought and squirmed under me she was finally able to escape and she got off the bed and dashed for the door shaking the handle and realizing it is locked from the outside. I watched as she fell to the ground and just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. She was crying so violently her whole body convulsed and she shook. 

I walked over to her and sat down next to her I rubbed her arm for a minute before pulling her into me. "Its going to be ok baby its going to be alright. Everything is fine your not in danger." She cried for a few more minutes before it finally slowed down ans she was gasping for air like she had never breathed before. I rubbed her back in slow comforting circles waiting for whatever this is to pass.


I woke up in a random room they had done it again they had sent me off again back to that place everything around me went into tunnel vision i heard screaming but i wasnt in my body i had to get back to get back to get back. I started hitting my leg scratching waiting for the pain to ground me. I then moved to my face to my hair before someone pinned me down under their body. I had to run to leave to get away. I got them off and sprinted for the door it was locked i was trapped they were going to take me away again possibly till im eighteen this time. I hadnt done anything wrong I had been good.

Suddenly Mason was there holding me Mason I grabbed onto his shirt i cant lose him. Even if i was imagining him right now i needed him i grabbed onto him tighter my breathing starting to calm the tunnel vision going away. Mason was really there holding me like i was about to explode and die. My sobs of fear turned to relief and i snuggled in closer to him.

"Are you ok whats wrong?" he asked gently.

"i thought they were sending me away again back to boarding school like they did last time."


"last time they drugged me and when i woke up there were these men and then they were going through my stuff and the rules so many rules and so much food i had to eat all of it and i couldnt talk to garrett only my parents if i was good but they sent me there." my tears started back up again. "they sent me away let those people do that to me and then when i came back i had to act like it was ok like everything was good or i would have to go back again."

"Im so so sorry Fia so so sorry your never going back there never ill make sure of it ok. And we are only in here until we learn how to get along and i can fix whatever it is i did the other night your safe." He said taking my face in his hands after a minute i pulled away and snuggled my face into his neck and We fell asleep with him leaning against the wall and me straddling him my face buried in his neck as he played with my hair and rubbed circles on my back. 

SUMMARY - scott puts Mason and Fia in a room together to get past there little fight because it was messing with the filming of the scene Fia freaks out though and has a panic attack and Mason comforts her we find out the "boarding school" Fia happily went to wasnt all it was chalked up to be and she was forced to go there by her parents who drugged her and people take her away and she was abused at the school which that will come up in later chapters.

The Deal With Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now