Chapter 13 - Antarctic Facility Pt. 1/2 "White Hellhole"

Start from the beginning

Vast engines twisted and churned, mist puffed from the machines as a mechanical hum cranked to life beneath the chamber, powering both it and the facility. Lights all around the building shone brighter before either receding into the darkness or bursting altogether. Those employed at Chaldea were sent into a mild panic, watching their place of employment crack with energy. Back inside the summoning hall, the Slayer looked at Marisbury, the man knowing exactly what to do.

Holding out his arm, Marisbury rolled up his sleeve, vein-like patterns on his forearms lighting up across his skin. Lightning flashed across the room, the center module launching in a beam of blue light as electricity further crackled around both the Slayer and Marisbury. Sparks boiled further before leeching toward the center of the room. The chamber burst with light as the magic engines underneath the facility churned more than they ever had before.

Marisbury's eyes widened as the light flashed across the room, the Mage having to close his eyes due to the blinding light. The Slayer stood still, watching as the space dimmed back down, the rings around the platform shining down onto the now three figures in the room.

The Slayer only saw its back, its extensive mane of soft white hair dragging on the ground. He didn't need to see its face, he knew just what was in front of them both. A Servant, if he had to guess based on just where both he and Marisbury had been recent, it was the King of Magecraft himself, King Solomon.

"Is it safe to assume that you are my Master?" The man said, his voice was soft and relaxed despite the situation. Turning back at the Slayer, Solomon added, "Or is it you? Perhaps you're another Servant summoned just before I was."

"Ah! No, I am the one who summoned you... Solomon? What should I call you? I don't exactly know what class you are." Marisbury answered, the Servant laughing softly before replying, "My apologies, I am Caster."

"Good to meet you then, now shall we be off?"

Time Skip


Solomon fit in well enough, though many of Chaldea's employees seemed nervous upon seeing a Servant, however, they quickly calmed down at the sight of Marisbury's Command Spells. The Caster was told to go inside the main testing chamber, one designed specifically to allow Servants to fight in a simulated battle.

Within the summoning chamber, specifically the platform where Servants were summoned, was an elevator that ran through the center of the middle spire. The elevator passed through various engines which looked as though they belonged inside of a mile-long spaceship. Further past the engines was a massive dome-shaped room, the walls were white, sectioned off into 24 different areas, divided by steel lattice beams that held up the enormous weight of the building. Attached to the 25 beams were various camera-like mounts, some resembled projectors, others looked like machine guns, and many were merely spotlights or speakers.

Both Marisbury and the Slayer were observing the chamber, standing in a ring-like room that served as a viewing area around the dome Solomon stood alone in. Panels lined the interior wall, allowing for a full 360-degree view of the testing room. Marisbury had informed the Slayer that the glass was tested completely, plus there were panels that could slide in front of the glass in case a fight should grow too chaotic.

At one end of the room, behind one of the 24 panels was a small speaker box, similar to something you'd see in a baseball stadium. Both the Slayer and Marisbury were within it, the Magus sitting in front of various microphones while the Slayer stood behind the man. Turning around, he saw a door at the back of the room. Quickly deciding he didn't care to watch the test, the Slayer walked through, entering a hollow space in between the test chamber and the cement foundation of the facility.

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