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(Again another long chapter.)

Madelynn's POV

Dad finally allowed me to enter the room. When the door opened a grinning Evienne was looking back at me. Bucky came along with me as Dad and Steve were discussing thin info and the others were either asleep or on a mission.

Bucky was also sent so that I don't kill Evienne. "You asked for me?" I asked. "Maddie." She squealed. "Don't push it." I threatened forming flamed blades of water besides me on either sides.

"So protective." She sassed. "Why did you call for me?" "Just to see how you're doing and if you missed me?" "Miss you. I rather have you fucking killed."

"Now why the tone and language. I have done nothing but help better your life. So ungrateful." "How the fuck is taking a child away from her father helping me?"

"Taking a child away from the one person she loved more than her own life to be a damn experiment. I was forced out of a some what decent life. To think that your mother would sell you for a few pieces of metal."

"Lying to the child and using physical violence onto her. Looking at her with disappointment for doing the most logical thing. Years of torture over and over and over again everyday. Do you know how it is for a child to tell herself daily that she's a monster?"

"An eight year old being tortured do you know how fucking inhumane that is? Why couldn't you have just left me with dad?" Tears were streaming out of my face as the volume of my voice increased to its peak.

"You are a heartless son of a bitch and I hate that I have to say that I'm Evienne Hansley's daughter." "One day you will be just like me Maddie." "I would never want to be a heartless fucker like you. How I wish you the worst of luck and that your death is slow and very painful."

"And I hope that I'm there to watch you suffer even more." Tears rolled down my face as the words and emotions spewed out. Bucky stepped up behind me and gently held my hand out of sight.

"Doll its fine. We can stop if you don't want to. No one will be upset with you or atleast I won't allow that to happen." He whispered into my ear as he stroked my hand with his thumb.

"Maddie you can leave now. I don't have any use for you anymore and let that sexy blonde come back. I'll answer his questions." Before anger consumed me to the point of killing her, which I may add is at the brim, I stormed out of the room.

I wiped away my tears, not wanting anyone to see me at my lowest. "Call me if we have a mission. Until then I'll be in my room."

Once in my room I rolled into a ball on my bed and wept quiet tears.

A while later...

There was a knock on my door that frightened me a little. "Who is it?" I asked, my voice hoarse from crying. "Its me hon." Pepper assured surprising me.

I quickly wiped my tears and got off my bed before opening the door. As soon as the door open she hugged me. "I was planning on coming to see you and once I heard of what happened earlier it just broke my heart."

"Thanks Pep. Its fine I just despise her. How can someone as good as dad meet someone like her. What I'm saying might sound mean but I can't stand her."

"Lynn I understand where you're coming from. Its fine to be mad just don't hold onto it ok? Also your dad's calling you, you guys have a mission." She smiled warmly.

I stood up and pressed my wrist watch which activated my suit. Pepper gave me a smile which had a mixture of astonishment and a proud look.

I mean the suit used nanotechnology so it looks cool but its nothing complex. We exited my room and strutted to the hangar where the small team is.

After a few concerned looks from the team; which includes, dad, Bucky, Nat, Steve and Wanda, we set off to the west side of New York, where the signal came from.

Bucky, Steve, Nat and Wand went with an SUV, Dad and I flew to the scene of the crime.

Once there we were greeted by a team of super soldiers being fought by a masked woman, who was winning the fight between the two parties.

The others weren't here yet so it was just me and dad. I jumped from dad's arm and sent a blast of water and energy towards the team. The masked woman was left stun but fired her gun at them which they each blocked.

"What are you suppose to be. A mermaid?" She asked. "This mermaid is about to save your ass." I smirked firing blasts of energy towards the soldiers, disarming them in the process.

There was a skid behind us which I suspected to be the team. "Took you long enough." "Well not all of us can fly." Nat remarked firing her weapon at the team.

"Who's the woman?" Dad asked as he shot nano blasts at some back up. We joined the woman's side and fought the other team until they fell, which took close to an hour.

Finally the last on dropped to the ground. I felt drained of my powers and desperately needed a recharge. I looked at my shaking hands to see that they were pale.

I really must ask the gem if its possible to not always need a recharge after every battle.

Once I was out of my thought, I realized the spy was gone. I pressed my intercom and began. "Anyone got eyes on the agent?" Everyone chorused no. Everyone except for Bucky.

"Bucket tackle her I'm on my way." "As you say old Stark."

Bucky's POV

After getting the order from Maddie I chased after the spy. She had swift movement as she ran which was impressive. Leaping over road blocks and running on parked cars to the back of the building.

Once she was in close perimeter I tackled her to the ground. We were face to face with the other. The only sight in her eyes were of death.

I was distracted for a while which gave her the opportunity to wrap her legs tightly around my waist and flip me over, now reversing the roles.

The spy's eyes widen as she looked at me and I just stared back at her. She took off her mask and was now very recognizable. "Bucky?" "Anastasia?"

She soon got off of me and outstretched her hand which I grabbed onto and pulled myself up before hugging my old friend.

Madelynn's POV

Bucky was hugging the assassin? And they looked close. The others soon joined me and watch the exchange. One thing she was deadly close to Bucky.

I don't know if impaling her with a spear will be the brightest thing to do. The two  soon approached us as they chatted. "So spy over here is an ally?" I asked as I gawked at the woman.

"Yeah." "I think we should head to base. Bye spy." I sneered heading to the direction to the SUV. "We're taking her back to base Maddie." Dad added. "What?" The spy and I questioned surprised by the statement.

"But-" "No buts Maddie." "Oh for fuck's sake." I whispered under my breath. "Fine." I voiced. I advanced to the car and waited in the car as the team cuffed the soldiers to bring them back to base

A Rolling Stream |☆|》Stark X Barnes Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang