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3rd Person Pov
At Vienna's estate

Marine Soldier bursts through a wall of the estate, before sending two daggers into two approaching men. The dagger went through their heads.

She was then ambushed by 3 other agents, who she killed with intense combat and a bullet to their heads.

The Soldier launched herself up to the second floor to find Vienna. As expected, there were guards there, pacing the halls.

She placed a suppressor onto the pistol before firing shots at each of the men.

The soldier kicked the towering wooden doors open before advancing to Vienna, who sat in her office chair.

As Vienna's eyes met The Soldier's, fear was evident in her eyes.

Without hesitation, The Soldier mumbled, "Hail Hydra.", before pulling the trigger, instantly killing Vienna.

As The Soldier loaded her gun, she saw a person in the corner of her eye.

The Soldier aimed the gun at the figure, who stepped into the moonlight to reveal herself. The woman looked somewhat similar to Madelynn.

The same y/e/c eyes and facial structure. Several other features were identical but more older than her. All of this wasn't important at the time.

"Zemo sent you here to kill Vienna and to come for me as well, correct?" She said in a Sokovian accent.

The soldier lowered her gun and answered the woman's question with a simple nod.

"Lets get going. Don't want to make him wait forever. Do you, Marine Soldier?"

Marine Soldier had realized a whe ago that she was speaking with Delora Hansley.

Delora was escorted back to HYDRA base by Marine Soldier and other soldiers.

💫Time skip💫

Madelynn stood in the corner of the room with two soldiers on either sides of her with the shock collar tightly around her neck.

Madelynn was in pain but nothing showed. Along in the room were Zemo and Delora.

They chatted seriously at a table about a topic she couldn't piece together because of the intense pain on her neck.

About an hour into their chat, the doors burst open. "My apologies Baron Zemo but the plane is ready." The guard voiced.

"Marine Soldier, go start the engine and prepare for take off." "Yes Baron." Madelynn then made her way to the plane and did as asked before waiting in the cockpit for Baron and Delora to board it.

Ever since she was injected with the new serum, she had slowly been regaining her original self. It must've been an advantage of the stone.

Because of the fear of HYDRA finding out, she clung onto the mindless part of herself.

Delora and Baron soon entered the plane and Madelynn flew them to Washington DC.

💫Time skip💫

They had just landed on top of a main building before heading to the ground floor, with Marine taking out anyone who tried to stop them.

At the ground base, outside the building, the mayor was answering some questions that were asked by the public.

(It was now around 9 am.)

Marine fatally sent two daggers into the bodyguards' heads, stunning the crowd and mayor.

The other soldiers were blocking off all exits around the building, two held the mayor by his arms, and the remaining pointed their guns to the pedestrians.

Armed soldiers were in surrounding buildings and on top of them. The hostages realized and began to panic.

"Panicking won't help anything, so I suggest you don't waste your time." They stopped and faced him, fearful of what would happen to their mayor or themselves.

"Good. Now that you're quiet I would like to-" He was interrupted by a shield sailing directly for his head, which Marine caught inches away from his face.

The shield was then thrown back into the direction it came from, and caught by Steve who did a dive roll once he caught it.

As he landed, Tony, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Pietro, and Nat stood on either sides of him. "Madelynn stand down. This isn't you." Steve shouted.

"Hail Hydra." She mumbled, as she leaped over the podium and stood face to face with the team.

"Do what you must." Baron murmured to which Marine nodded as she drew her daggers. "Let the games begin." Delora chirped as she and Baron headed to the roof.

(Apologies for the short chapter but the other will be longer and an action one with a heartwarming end in the chapter. Will it be Bucky? Or Tony? Or an unknown party?)

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