A new beginning

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*A month later.*
March 2023
Madelynn's POV

"Good morning Ms. Stark. It's 5 am time to wake up." Jarvis greeted. "Morning Jar." I mumbled raising up from my bed. Everything was still new for me but I was happier than ever. I would constantly get nightmares about HYDRA and past victims that was the only downside of my life.

After staring into nothingness for a while, I got off my bed and headed to my bathroom. I took a shower, washed my hair and brushed my teeth before exiting. To kill time I would either study, read or make adjustments to the team's suits.

I headed to my closet and picked searched through my clothes. I would normally wear baggy clothing or sweats since it felt safer for me. After going through a mountain of clothes I finally found what I'd be wearing.

 After going through a mountain of clothes I finally found what I'd be wearing

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I picked up my sketch book before heading to the kitchen. I'd normally train at 7 am but Peter is practicing with me and he has school.

Peter and I became good friends over the past month from the love of nanotechnology and inventing. I was also close with Nat and the twins.

As I walked in I saw Bucky. "Morning Bucket." I smiled knowing very well he disliked the nickname."Old Stark." He snapped back taking a sip of his coffee.

I laughed it off before preparing pancakes for me and the rest of the team. After cooking I headed to a table in the far corner to eat while I studied the suits and sketched new designs for each hero.

Zemo taught me every bit of knowledge back at HYDRA, but more knowledge is good knowledge. Besides it was easier for me to study because of my ability.

As I turned my page, a streak of blue snatched up my book before dashing off to the opposite end of the room. "Wanda control your brother or I will." "And how do you plan on doing that princessa?" He smirked as he quickly scanned through my book.

"Like this." I said pouring water onto his head. "Not cool." He muttered as Bucky stifled a laugh. "Did I, Madelynn Stark, make the fossil laugh?" I asked dramatically. "It appears so." Pietro played along. He dashed back to me handing me my book and zoomed back to the island to get breakfast.

As I finished off my breakfast, Wanda and Vision made their way down to the room. I grinned at the two. "Must've been a fun night Wand." She blushed and sent a spark of energy to my hand causing me to wince. "Good morning to you too." I mumbled rubbing my hand.

"Not cool Maddie." Piet said with disgust, thinking of what I said. I gave a dramatic bow as I sent my dishes off to the sink on a disk of water, before making my way to the lab.

💫Time skip 💫

I pressed my hand onto the small screen and waited for my handprint to be scanned. "Madelynn Stark." FRIDAY stated as the glass door opened.

Dad and Bruce gave me a lab of my own since I worked as messy as my dad and Bruce can't handle two Starks. My lab was semi clean and semi dirty. I set up the hologram display and began to work on how I can better Nat's suit.

3 hour later
Bucky's POV

Stark sent me to bring Madelynn so that he could announce the party he would be throwing her tonight, since he couldn't do it before because mission after mission came up for the past month.

I placed my right hand onto the scanner and waited for it to scan my handprint. "Fossil #2 aka Bucky." FRIDAY announced before opening the door. "Hey Buckaroo." She said as she focused on a  hologram. Damn she was annoying.

"Your dad's calling for you." "Really? One moment." She looked really invested in what she was doing, it was a nice sight. She snapped her head to me, catching me off guard.

With one flick of her wrist, all of her work zapped away. She placed her hands into her hoodie's pocket before making her way to me. "And he's in the?" "Lounge."

💫Time skip💫

Madelynn's POV

I entered the lounge to see the team there. I raised my hand up as my way of greeting. "Just the person I'm looking for." Dad exclaimed advancing to me.

"Is there something you want me to fix?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "I just wanted to announce that I'm throwing a party for you to celebrate your return." Slightly surprised I faced the team and gave them a 'Is this normal?' look.

They all nodded before I faced dad again. "Oh and please let Wanda and Nat pick your outfit. No offense." I was slightly offended but saw why he would want them to pick it out or I would just wear my normal clothing.

I nodded once and watched the girls who were very excited.

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