Am I safe now?

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Madelynn's POV

I was seated in the back of the van awaiting my arrival to the building. The pain was there but slowly going away. I checked my guns to make sure that they were loaded and sharpened my daggers.

The van soon stopped and myself along with 4 agents exited. We then made our way to the car Alexander was in and accompanied him into the building.

As we entered, he was greeted by 2 men and a woman at a nearby bar. When I stood there, I felt a familiar presence but couldn't from who. I stood closely near Alexander as he discussed a topic with the customers.

The agents and I scanned the room for any suspicious person with our guns in hand. We then made our way to a nearby red door and it was opened to reveal a long hallway.

Some agents were at the front while myself and one stayed behind the group. At the end laid a large metal room with a bar and a table with 5 chairs. The crowd sat at the table while the agents and I were dispersed throughout the room.

Natasha POV

I was sitting at the table along with 2 SHIELD agents and Alexander Pierce. I was portraying a woman by the name of Delora Morez. A blond woman with green eyes and the daughter of Mafia leader, Edward Morez.

Alexander was talking about our business deal which involved us buying super soldier serum. Along with me at this event were Steve, Tony and Bucky, since only our small group knows about this.

"I'll go get a drink ok?" I said with a heavy Spanish accent as I advanced to the bar. I wore a tight red dress that had an open back. "A martini." I said sitting on the stool and placed my hand on the table before resting my head on it, pressing my intercom.

"Is she there?" Tony asked. "Yeah she's currently standing next to Pierce. Are you sure its her?" I whispered. "Just make sure its her ok." Steve added. "And how will she do that?" Tony asked.

"Please don't underestimate me, Tony." I muttered collecting my drink and taking a sip. I walked back to the table and seductively sat on the table close to Alexander.

"And how were you able to get the um... soldier?" I asked pointing to the woman next to him, returning with my Spanish accent. Him falling for my sudden interest soon answered my question.

"Believe it or not but its Stark's daughter." He whispered in my ear, running a hand up my thigh. At that moment Stark flew through the wall and fired a blast to Alexander which the assasin blocked with water thst then exploded on impact.

"Really Tony?" I shouted snatching Alexander's hand before twisting it behind his back and slamming him into the table. I pulled off my wig and face changer. The assassin soon kicked me behind my knee and spin kicked me in the face.

Madelynn's POV

The red head flung into the wall and struggled to raise from the floor with a bleeding nose. In the corner of my eye I saw someone heading in my direction.

I sent a surge of water onto the person that wrapped itself around them. Turning around my gaze revealed that it was metal arm. "Could you quit doing this?" He asked. I tightened the grip around him faster than before when a shield lashed my hand.

The shield returned to a blond who was wearing formal clothing. I formed a wall infront of him and pushed it back to the wall in an attempt to crush him. Metal arm came and swung at me. Not able to move, I turned myself into a liquid form of my solid self.

He stood stunned, giving me enough time to transform back into a solid and
kick him in the stomach. Before impact he grabbed my leg and swung my back into the wall.

I lost focus of the blond and now going to kill the pain in my ass. I threw several punches which he dodged and grabbed my fist with his metal hand before returning the punches with his other.

He punched the same wounds I had earlier causing me to groan in utmost pain. Seeing red, I punched him as hard as possible in his face causing him to be knocked out.

I stepped over his body and made my way to blonde. 2 down 2 more to go. Tin Man was distracted by the other 4 agents from HYDRA. Two agents who I suspected to be SHIELD's, started shooting me. I formed two daggers and shot them directly in their thighs.

Steve's POV

The assasin was making her way to me when she suddenly turned invisible. "Anyone got eyes on the assassin?" I asked into my intercom. "Nat? Bucky? Tony check on them." "Kinda busy right now."

The assassin was now infront of me and drew two daggers from her sides. She then attempted to stab me with the two daggers which I blocked with my shield. The daggers soon broke on impact.

I kicked her backwards into the wall. I threw my shield to her but she made her own blocking out mine. The shield then started to shoot bullets at me. I placed my weapon infront of me and anchored myself still, from the impact of the bullets.

I then felt a piercing pain in my stomach. I turned to see that the assassin was there holding a large dagger that was in my abdomen before she pulled it out.

I soon collapsed, from some sort of poison from the dagger and watched helplessly as she made her way to Tony.

Tony's POV
I had finally killed the HYDRA agents and handcuffed Alexander when I turned to see the assassin limping to me holding her stomach.

Not wanting to fight her I stood on the ground and approached her slowly. "Madelynn." She stopped at the name and looked at me. She ripped off the mask and panted. 

"Jarvis scan her stats." "The person infront of you has an increased heart rate and increased breathing and is severely injured."

The assassin drew two large blades on either side of her body. Before she was able to launch the weapons Nat threw a circular device onto her, shocking the assassin until she fainted. "Contrary to your belief I knew what I was doing." "Sure you did Tony." She groaned.

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