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Madelynn's POV

We were back at base and in the meeting room discussing the additional information Zemo gave us. I stood braced against the wall as the team chatted upon what to do and who could've done it.

"What are your thoughts Madelynn?" Dad called out, making the team focus on me. Holy shit all this was freaking out. "Well what if someone else is funding all of the serums?"

Steve gestured for me to proceed. "All of Zemo's work wasn't confiscated when they took him and besides Zemo may be a lot of things, but he isn't a liar." They muttered in agreement.

"So how would you find the culprit?" Dad questioned. "Do you know who the super soldiers are?" "Yes and your point is?" "And they were new right?" "Also yes."

"Lets hypothetically say that they started around a week ago. Using phone records for the past week, you could find who is investing the resources for the operation. Once the number or person is found, tracking their location would be simple. I also volunteer myself to do so."

They weren't any objections, so I retracted my suit, changing me back into my comfy clothes. "Now that's covered, what do you guys want to eat? How about cheeseburgers?" Dad asked

"Sure." "Not again Tony." Nat and I said at the same time. "And what's wrong with that?" Dad questioned "I was about to ask the same." "You two are so weird." Nat laughed.

The team soon left the room, giving me enough space to begin my work. A while passed as I was having trouble hacking into their software. Guess they were skilled, but not as skilled as I am of course.

There was a knock at the door. I turned my head to see Dad at the door holding a tray of food. "Hey dad. What's up?" "Just came to drop off your dinner and see if you're getting through."

He sat next to me on a stool as I worked. "You know that your birthday is a week from now right?" "Don't remind me." Dad gave me a sad look causing me to turn to him with a sigh.

"It's just been far too long since I've even remember having a birthday. Its just weird for me, like a lot of things nowadays. But if we are doing a party, I don't want a big celebration ok?"

Dad smiled at me. "Promise me ok?" I continued. "I promise. Is there someone you want to talk about?" "I froze in my chair. Did he know? No, if he did I would've been dead a long time ago.

"And who are you talking about?" "Your mother, Lynnie. Do you miss her?" "I don't remember her dad, but just feel empty inside so it must be her, right?" "It must be. Ever since you two were missing I just felt an endless void."

"Until Pepper and Morgan came into your life huh?" I chuckled. "Yeah.But you 3 are the most important and special people in my life. Don't ever forget it kid." "I won't."

"You seem busy so I'll be on my way." Dad set the tray onto the table before leaving. I spent the entire night in the room trying to get a location, surviving off of music and coffee. A lot of coffee.


A/N: Apologies for the very short chapter. I'm not feeling in the mood for it atm. To compensate, here's a deleted scene of aou that shouldn't have been deleted.


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