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Madelynn's POV

I was awaken by warm breaths on my neck and an arm wrapped around my waist and stomach. I was wrapped tightly next to Bucky.

I was surprised that we actually did it and that it wasn't one of my many fantasies. Oh well. He buried his head into the crook of my neck, littering soft passionate kisses.

"Bucky we have to tell dad about us." "So we're a thing now?" "If you want to." "Well let's make it official." Buck sat up and held my hand in his metal one.

"Would you Madelynn Maria Stark be my, James Bucky Barnes, girlfriend?" He smiled. "I do." I giggled going along with his offer. He kissed the top of my hand before kissing my forehead gently.

He got off the bed and got dressed. "Want your shirt back?" I smiled. "It looks better on you doll." He smirked putting on his jacket and leaving my room to his.

I soon got off my bed and entered the shower. The heated droplets fell harshly onto my neck and sore thighs.

I finished up in the bathroom and chose to wear some comfortable clothing before heading out to the kitchen.

Once in there, I was met with Wanda who was making breakfast, Pietro who continuously attempted to snatch a bite and succeeded, and Nat who was chatting with Wanda.

The moment I entered, they all snapped their neck to me. Wand stopped cooking and immediately dashed towards me, Piet stopped eating and Nat just burst into a fit of laughter.

Wand held my head up and inspected my neck. Well shit I forgot. "Who did this to you?" She questioned. "Looks like a wild animal mauled you princessa." Pietro stated.

"Oh a wild animal mauled her alright." She snickered. "Wh-what?" Piet asked. Wand's eyes widen at the moment she figured out. "No you didn't?" She gasped.

"Can someone please explain to me?" Piet pleaded looking between the three of us. Nat, still snickering, got up and whispered everything to Pietro.

"Damn Maddie." Piet smirked. "Thanks Nat." I said sarcastically. She showed me thumbs up as she continued to laugh with Piet. Wand casted a spell over my neck before heading back to the kitchen.

Just on cue, dad entered the room, one arm around Pepper's waist. They both looked equally exhausted. When I realized what happened, I felt embarrassed for me and them.

Nat just burst into another fit of laughter. "Really Nat?" I mumbled. "A lot has been happening huh?" She smirked. "So any news about Bruce?" She stayed quiet.

"Hey guys." I greeted dad and Pepper. They responded accordingly. "Dad there's something I've been meaning to tell you about."

"And that is?" He asked. "Well-" Bucky and Anastasia soon entered the room, giving it an awkward silence. I definitely didn't want to break it and looked at Dad and Pep with pleading eyes.

"Barnes." "Stark." The two men greeted the other. After the encounter everyone resumed with their tasks.

Dad flirted continuously with Pepper, and Wand resumed cooking with Pietro sneaking pieces and getting hit in the head with a wooden spoon.

I took a seat at the island and laid my head onto the table. I was just as tired as dad was.

A while later...

Bucky and I were heading to dad's office in the building. We weren't nervous just didn't know how he would react. Well I guess a little nervous.

We finally reached and I knocked on his door. "Dad?" I called out. "Come in Lynn." We took a deep breath and entered the office. Pepper and him were going over a few documents.

"Are we disturbing you?" I asked. He got a little suspicious when he saw Bucky with me. "No not at all. So what is it kid?"

"So I don't know how to tell you this but dad." "But?" Bucky and I exchanged a glance before facing dad again. "Well Bucky and I are together." It felt as if a weight has been lifted off my chest.

"Oh I know Maddie."

"You know?" Bucky and I asked him. "Since the beginning. There is a reason why I am called an international playboy." Pepper elbowed him. "Was." He winced.

He handed Pepper a $100 bill. "Thanks Tony." She smiled. "And you placed a bet on it?" "Yep." "So for how long?" Pepper smiled. "Well we have been meeting for about a month and decided to be together recently."

"Congrats." Pepper smiled. "And dad?" "I will permit it only because I don't think that my saying would stop you two but I do have some rules that must be followed."

"And they are?" "No sex." Well a little too late for that. "And no overly dramatic gestures got it?" "Yeah." Bucky and I nodded. "Oh and Barnes if you so as make her even feel a hint of sadness I will kill you and Steve won't stop me."

Bucky nodded to dad's statement. I headed to dad and hugged him. "Thanks dad." I smiled. "Oh and don't worry I don't think you'll have to do anything if that ever happens." I added.

He just returned it with a slight chuckle.

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