Tony's Diary.

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Tony POV
2023 (present)

"Nothing good lasts forever." A famous man once said. I can't remember which one but now you've heard it from two very well-known men.

For the last few years, ever since 2010, everything's been going downhill for me. You might say "oh Tony you're successful and have a great kid and a beautiful girlfriend" that's half the truth.

Ever since Madelynn and Evienne died in a car accident miles away from here, my mental health was far from ok.

To cope I devolved a drinking habit, often downing bottles of whiskey to the point Pep had to monitor me constantly, and spent more time in my new workshop to take my mind off of it.

Also going with many women to try and fill that void in my heart but nothing seems to work so I'd leave them frequently.

Everything business wise has been going good.

But a new light came into my life, Pepper and Morgan. You must have obviously heard about "international playboy finally settles down with CEO of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts, and has started a family."

So overall I have been living decently. Ok turn it off Jarvis.

I sighed rubbing my forehead, looking at the recording I just did for my own sake.

I shifted my vision around my workshop/ lab in the New Avengers Compound until I found a nearby picture of me and Maddie in a vibranium frame to prevent it from breaking.

It was one of the many Evienne took of us when I accidentally fell asleep with my daughter on her bed. I smiled at it as I felt my eyes shining. This picture was one of the last things I had of us since most of her things were destroyed in the explosion.

A tear ran down my face which I quickly wiped away when I heard the door open.

I quickly moved the video from my hologram display and faced the person who was revealed to be Rogers.

"What's up Capsicle?" I asked returning to tinker on a piece of armour. "We have a meeting with Fury." "Oh?" I said wiping my hands off onto a nearby cloth as I approached Steve.

/💫Time skip💫/

"Good to see that you could attend Stark." Fury stated. "Pleasures all mine." I shot back. I looked around the room to see Steve, Barnes and Romanoff in there.

Fury ignored me and turned to the 'team' before stating our mission. Which in short, was that someone from HYDRA was planning on assassinating the president, so we have to protect him at all costs and maybe bring the assassin back to base.

"And what's their intention?" The red-head next to me asked. "We're not exactly sure but what we are sure about is that they aren't any good." Fury responded.

"Alright Avengers suit up." Steve announced before we all dispersed.

After the team suit up ,since I use nanotechnology, we all made our way to the Quinjet and left for Washington DC with Romanoff and Steve piloting.

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