A breath of familiar air.

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Madelynn's POV

The beeping of a nearby ECG machine woke me from my deep sleep. I was alone in the room which kind of bummed me out. A few moments later some of my memories came rushing back, giving a migrane.

Mostly containing dad, who is Tony Stark aka Tin Man. Everything else is still a blur. I sat up on the bed and sighed. My feet dangled on the edge.

I got up almost immediately falling but making a stream of water push me onto my feet. Once stable, I looked at my bare feet on the cold tile floor. I then felt weak. So no more using my powers for another hour.

I checked my wounds to see that they're all healed and that only a few scars are left. Great. I sarcastically thought. I looked around the room to see a door.

Using the last amount of power I had, I drew water from my fingertips and flowed it into a small stream through the small crease of the door into a puddle on the door outside. I made one ahead of me and stepped onto it before taking out the tubes from my body.

I teleported from that puddle to the other. Once on the other side I stumbled a little before bracing myself onto the wall. I glanced at my hand to see it was paler than usual.

I wasn't ill or anything all I needed was to recharge myself. One more time. I used an orb of water to sense where I can find a nearby source. Once I saw it I dropped the orb onto the floor.

Using the image in my mind I headed up a flight of stairs to an elevator.  The doors opened and I walked quickly and slammed into a hard object.

Bucky's POV

I looked down to see what had slammed into me to see it was Stark's older daughter. She was paler than usual which was concerning.

She looked up at me with the same look her father gave me the moment we met. She lost her footing causing her to fall forward and I caught her before she fell onto her face.

"What are you doing out here aren't you supposed to be in  med bay?" I asked her. "Metal arm I was looking all over for you." She rolled her eyes saying it in a sarcastic way. "Its Bucky." "Mhm." She said pressing the elevator button going up to base floor.

She sighed and sat on the floor, leaning her head against the wall. "Madelynn Stark." She said turning her head to me. I faced her and nodded.

The elevator stopped and we both came off. Feeling bad for the soul, I placed her arm around my neck and helped her to where she wanted to go which was the kitchen.

We entered into the living room/kitchen catching the attention of the entire team. Stark gave me an angry look as we headed to the sink. At this point she was paler than before.

Madelynn's POV

I was getting weaker and weaker by the second. I quickly headed to the pipe and turned it on. As the cold water came in contact with my fingers I felt better. My skin regained its original colour.

I absorbed the water for 10 minutes until I felt stable enough. I closed by eyes and sighed before facing the staring eyes. "Barnes what did you do to her?" Dad shouted. "Dad its fine I left the room." I stated.

He made his way to me. "You-" "Remember. Yea I did." He came up and hugged me tightly to which I returned the hug. We parted as he held onto my shoulders at arms length.

He placed an arm over my shoulder and brought me to the team. "Ok so introductions. Lynnie this is the team. Thor, Natasha, Vision, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Clint, Bucky, and the twins, Pietro and Wanda." He began, pointing to each respective person who gave me their own signature hello.

"Team this is Madelynn." I smiled at the team raising my hand and giving a slight wave. We chatted with them for a while, me basically trying to get to know them and vice versa.

"Maddie let me show you your room." Dad called out. I said my good nights and headed to dad. As we headed to the sleeping quarters we reminisced about my childhood, things I could and couldn't remember.

We finally made it to my new room. Dad turned on the lights to reveal a queen sized bed, a shelf, and a table and chair in the corner. The room itself had large windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor revealing the nearby lake and forest.

Attached to the room was a large closet on the right and a bathroom on the left side of the room. "I'm sorry Lynnie, I didn't know you were coming but one thing's for sure ,you can buy any furniture you want to add to the room tomorrow." "Its perfect dad thank you." I responded with a smile.

He smiled back at me before heading to the door. "Oh and if you need anything just ask Jarvis. 'Night kid." "Night dad. I love you 3000." "I love you 3000." He said before closing my room's door.

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