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The next day...
Third person POV

The team were in the quinjet heading to Wakanda. They had gotten permission to speak to Zemo. Madelynn was still afraid of the man who took care of her.

She sat and was constantly fiddling with her fingers. Bucky saw this and really wanted to comfort her but didn't want anyone especially, her father to know about their relationship.

Wanda read his mind and soon noticed it as well. She got up and headed to Maddie. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "Yeah Wand. Just thinking."

Wanda took her words, not wanting to upset Maddie, she headed to her seat and practiced her magic with a deck of cards.

They soon landed and exited to be welcomed by the Dora Milaje and Royal siblings. "It looks like you're always helping me." Steve smiled to the king.

"Its good to see you as well Captain America." T'Challa returned with a smile. He then formed his gaze onto Madelynn. "Welcome to Wakanda young Stark."

Feeling obligated to pay respects to the king, she did a small curtsy. The team snickered as T'Challa assured, "We don't do that here." He said with a small chuckled. Welp fuck me. She thought standing up again.

Bucky smiled at her behavior and reaction. "Welcome back White Wolf." Oya welcomed Bucky. The two chatted as the team was escorted inside the palace.

Madelynn had a tinge of jealousy of their closeness, but it was all gone as she was mesmerized by their advanced tech. As she walked, she mumbled how they could've been able to produce such products, catching the attention of Shuri.

"We use vibranium and my tech to obtain these vehicles." Shiri began pointing at the vehicles flying above head. "The same thing Cap's shield is made of. That makes sense." Madelynn responded.

"Shuri." She stated extending her hand. "Madelynn Stark." Maddie said shaking her hand. "It seems you are an engineer as well yes?" "Yea. Dad's genes and a fun little hobby." "And your suit is one of your creations?" Maddie nodded to her question.

"Great craftsmanship." Shuri complimented. At the end of their conversation, the team were now at Zemo's cell. Zemo was reading Machiavelli on his bed. They were given strict orders by Okoye not to break him out of the prison and no violence used, to which they all agreed.

Steve, Nat and Tony went in the room and began to question him. All the while he was looking at Maddie which freaked her a little.

Zemo didn't answer any of their questions and requested that Maddie came to see him.

Madelynn's POV

Dad told me Zemo's wishes. After a small debate, they reluctantly sent me inside along with Bucky, just incase he wanted to try anything. I mean I wasn't complaining, I would've asked for him myself.

We entered the room and Okoye locked the door behind us. "My 2 greatest creations." Zemo grinned at us. "Longing, rust-" I covered his mouth with a wave of water.

"No we're not doing this today." I moved the wave away. "Worth a try. So what brings you here, clearly not to rekindle that small relationshipof ours?" "You know what we're here for. Why did you make more super soldiers?"

"Make super soldiers? No." He chuckled. "No. I tried to end the Marine and Winter soldier experiments after you two. And what benefit would it be for me to do these experiments here?"

Being tired of his shenanigans, I grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the wall, surprising everyone. "I had it up to here. Now give me an answer." "Madelynn stop." Bucky said holding my arm.

"Yes Madelynn listen or would you like to be locked in here?" I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at Zemo. I took a deep breath and set him back down on his feet.

I stared at him before heading out the room in a fit of rage. I refused to speak to anyone and headed in a random direction.

Bucky's POV

I was upset that Madelynn left. I quickly left the room and dashed in the same direction she headed in, leaving everyone confused.

I soon caught up with her. She was clearly pissed but looked like she was calming down. "Madelynn are you alright?" "Yeah just some bad memories." She assured me. I hugged her and gently kissed her.

After she was calm, we headed back to the team, a distance between us, and explained what he told us in the room.

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