The battle

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Third person POV

Madelynn stood straight with daggers in both hands and an emotionless look on her face.

Without any warning she flung several daggers to the team, which Wanda stopped with a red mist. "Doesn't look like she wants to chat." Nat stated, loading her handgun.

"Tony and Sam, stop Zemo and Delora from leaving. Nat and Pietro, scan the area for any agents that can be used as back up, Wanda and Bucky, you're with me to try and bring her back."

The team agreed and broke apart to do the task they were given. "Last time Maddie. We don't want to fight you." Bucky bellowed.

Madelynn threw down her weapons, stunning the team that she surrendered that easily. She placed her hands up in surrender as the team cautiously approached her.

Once they were in close proximity of her, she sent a blast of water surrounded by a purple mist, to all of them. Wanda placed up a wall of red, which shattered like glass from the impact of the blast.

The team flung back and stumbled to get up. Bucky dug his hand into the floor as he attempted to stop himself from going further.

"We'll have to take her down at all costs because talking isn't an option here." Steve stated to which the other agreed.

They all advanced to Madelynn weilding their weapons.

Tony's POV

Birdie and I already defeated some of Zemo's men and flew to the roof to get him and Delora.

We made it just in time before they boarded the jet. I then fired a device onto the jet. "And what does that do?" Delora chirped. "Nothing difficult. Just scrambling the jet's mainframe."

"Complicated as ever Stark." Zemo complimented. "I try to be." I raised my blaster and aimed it at the two.

"Not another step." I ordered. Delora spun around and faced me and I was left shocked. "Hi Tony missed me?" Evienne smiled.

It was her. There was a mixture of happiness and confusion, that she was alive, as well as how was she here out of all people and places, she was here with Zemo.

Not wanting to take any risks I told Birdie to put handcuffs on both her and Zemo, if she was actually the one funding all the items for the super soldiers.

"Tony we need back up." Steve reported. "On our way we just caught Zemo and Delora." "Hurry up. I don't think Madelynn will spare us anymore."

Madelynn's POV

Rage was blinding me. The enemies were just blocking my attacks which angered me further. This has lasted long enough. "I can do this all day." The man in a blue suit panted.

Well I couldn't. I raised my hand ready to strike my final blow at the weakened people before me.

I was then encased in a ball of red. I fired several blows towards the object in an attempt to breaking it, but it just absorbed itself into the ball.

It seems that the witch is now using her full strength. The witch emerged from the darkness. Her iris and hands were both bright red.

"Madelynn I don't know what came over you but please fight it." She uttered. I glared at the witch who looked familiar.

I was about to send a blast towards the ball with all my might when I heard metal land gently onto the ground near me.

I snapped my head around to see a red and gold suit standing there besides Delora. The suit removed its face to reveal..... Dad?

The pair together sent a shock of memories through my mind. The immense pain caused me to fall onto my knees in pain and agony.

Every ounce of memory that was locked away came hitting me like a semi truck. When Delora, who is revealed to be Evienne Hansley aka my mother, drugged me, kidnapped me and sold me.

All the pain, hatred and betrayal came back. Every emotion I once had, returned and boiled down to hatred.

3rd person POV

Tears streamed down Madelynn's face and poured heavily by every passing second. Her iris were a bright purple as dark purple mist circles around her hands.

She stood up regaining all her memories and ready to kill Evienne. "Wanda let me out." Wanda had a mixture of astonishment and happiness but soon stopped her power.

Madelynn stepped out and scanned the area to see Steve, Bucky and Wanda all injured. As she looked to herself, she saw that she had minor injuries of her own.

Madelynn's POV

I would apologize later but now I have to deal with Evienne. How I didn't have the heart to call such a mistake 'mother'.

I formed two swords in my hand and advanced to Evienne. Dad stopped me moments before I swung for Evienne's head.

"Lynnie don't do something that you might regret." Dad called. "Trust me I won't regret killing her." "Lynnie." I groaned before glaring at Evienne.

"Thats not a nice way to greet your dear mother again, now is it Maddie?" Evienne chirped. "A bitch like you could never be my mother."

She finally shut up. I turned my attention back to Dad.

He had a look of relief and joy. He, without a second thought, hugged me tightly. "I thought I lost you again Lynn." "Yeah me too. But why can't is she still alive?"

"She might be the person who is supplying the super soldiers and perhaps we can find their weaknesses through her." He whispered still maintaining the hug.

"If she slips up once I will kill her and she better count her blessings that I haven't killed her already."

We parted and I glared at the woman again. "We keep away from the other or I swear I will behead you for even breathing the same air as me."

"Don't worry Maddie." "Madelynn." She rolled her eyes before continuing. "I don't want to get in your way with you and your little pals."

"She slipped up." I muttered weilding a dagger. A crowd began to form around us. I retracted the weapon, not wanting to jeopardize the Avengers and their reputation.

"I'll deal with you later and it will be slow and painful."

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