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Madelynn's POV

Its been a while since Thor came and it was just us at the base. Boredom got the best of me so I suggested to Peter that we train together since its been a while since we trained together.

I headed to the girl's locker room and changed into my training outfit before wrapping my hands in bandages.

I headed to the girl's locker room and changed into my training outfit before wrapping my hands in bandages

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Once finished I entered the boxing ring of the room. Peter had already changed and was in there. Thor was in the cell area locking up Loki in one of the higher tech cells.

"Any rules?" Peter questioned bandaging his hands. "Yeah no magic and no tech. Only physical strength." I explained. "Seems fair enough." He agreed.

We both took up a fighting stance before he lunged at me at full speed. Peter swung punches to which I blocked with my arms.

I swung several punches that aimed for his head. Peter dodged it and swept my leg as he ducked. Before I fell, I was able to land a punch on his rib.

Once I regained my footing, Peter swung again. I snatched his arm and flipped him behind me. "Peter stop going easy on me." "Wasn't planning to."

A while later...

I finally got Peter in a chokehold. "Young Spider do you yield?" Thor boomed. He was there watching us and being the 'referee' for the past few minutes.

"Fine I yield." Peter gasped. I let go and chuckled at how fast he surrendered. "Hey Doll." Bucky chuckled as be entered the room along with Steve and Nat.

"How was the mission?" Peter questioned picking up his bottle. Everyone gave a statement of 'It went good'. "And looked who returned." Nat grinned looking at Thor.

"It seems that your beauty hasn't changed since I left Lady Natasha." Thor winked causing the team to laugh. "So for how long has she been beating your ass?" Bucky questioned.

"Language." Steve said. "Well Madelynn has been beating him for the past hour." Thor responded. "She isn't an easy person to fight." Peter added. "Really?" Bucky smirked. "Really." I assured him.

"Are you questioning my strength?" I inquired. "Lets bet on it then?" "Fine and what is the loser's penalty?" "Loser does anything the winner wants for a week."

"A week?" "This will be good." Steve chimed. Buck took off his jacket and we headed the ring. "Don't go easy on me." I advised. "Was about to say the same thing Doll."

I lunged at him and swung a punch. He grabbed my fist giving me the opportunity to swing myself up, wrapping my thighs around his neck and twisting my body weight to the left, causing us both to fall.

"Yield?" I asked. "Never." He grabbed my arms and tossed me over his head into the borders of the ring. I regained my footing and awaited his attacks.

He swung punches which i blocked with my arms. He swept my leg and I lost my footing falling backwards.

He stooped to my level and leaned his face close to mine. "Give up yet Doll?" I smirked at him, grabbed his left arm, leaped up from my spot and pinned his arm to his back before pushing him to the ground and sitting on his back.

"Tapping out?" "Fine." Bucky tapped out and I got off of him. "So what do you have in mind?" "You will regret saying that but I won't say it yet."

(This will show what the voice is speaking from now on)

The key has returned, get it before it leaves from your grasp forever.


Apologies for a short chapter. My brain was like no bitch u getting no help and my body was siding with my brain. What I can promise is longer chapters from here and more eventful ones.

Peace out ✌

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